10 Key Energy Events

  • Otto von Guericke creates a static electricity generator

    Otto von Guericke creates a static electricity generator
  • Stephen Gray dicovers the conduction of electricity.

    Stephen Gray dicovers the conduction of electricity.
  • Georg Von Kleist discovered that electricity was controllable

    Georg Von Kleist discovered that electricity was controllable
  • Ben Franlkin proves that static electricity and lightning were the same

    Ben Franlkin proves that static electricity and lightning were the same
  • Luigi Galvani demonstrated the eletrical basis the nerve impulse

    Luigi Galvani demonstrated the eletrical basis the nerve impulse
  • Alessandro Volta invents the first eletric battery

    Alessandro Volta invents the first eletric battery
  • Thomas Davenport invented the eletric car

    Thomas Davenport invented the eletric car
  • Thomas Edison invented the phonograph

    Thomas Edison invented the phonograph
  • Charles F Brush invented the street light

    Charles F Brush invented the street light
  • he Edison lighting system was commercially developed

    he Edison lighting system was commercially developed