Fraser Lopez 1920's Timeline

  • 18th Amendment

    Just like the volstead act, it prohibited intoxicating liquors. But not including liquor for religious purpose and sales. The amendment didn't ban drinking alcohol, but it was hard to get.
  • Volstead Act

    Was known as the national prohibition act. This act was to prohibit intoxicating drinks and to regulate the manufacturing and sales of other drinks. Al capone benefited with the volstead act because he became rich and dmired locally and nationally because he was apart of an organized crime. Enforcement was hard because gangs would bribe underpaid officers to not tell anyone about them smuggling alchol.
  • Palmer Raids

    This involved arrests and deportation of radicals. Strikes, race riots, and bombings started to break out and destroy cities. The palmer raids were named after Attorney general A. Mitchel Palmer, he hoped these raids would benefit his career.
  • Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

    Two men named Bartolommeo Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco were tried for robbing the pay roll of a shoe company in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. They were also said to be anarchists. After a long dispute the two men were executed on August 23rd 1927
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    This amendment was for extending woman's suffrage. president wilson supported the amendment. It stated that anyone can vote no matter what sex you are.
  • Red Scare

    This Began after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Some people referred to the red scare as a hysteria provoked by fear. Communist spies had scared the U.S during this time there wre many people thrown in jail, and they were innocent. The word red in Red Scare came from the flag of the USSR. The U.S figured they were our allies, but they turned out to have their own plans.
  • National Origins Act

    This was a law that restricted immigration. People from Southern And Eastern Europe weren't allowed in the U.S. This policy stayed in effect untill the 1960's.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    This was named after a rock formation in Wyoming that looked like a teapot. This scandal was described as a simple case of bribery.
  • Scopes Trial

    John Scopes taught biology in Dayton, Tennessee. He was arrested for going against te state legislature by teaching students about evolution. The government wouldn't allow any scientists to prove the theory, so he was found guuilty and fined 100$.
  • charles Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic

    The first man to successfully fly solo across the Atlantic. He used a magnetic compass, air speed indicator, and luck to reach Ireland.
  • 1st talking movie, The Jazz Singer

    This movie is a story about a man devoted to his Jewish family. Jakie rabinowitz ran away from home and became a talented jazz singer. His career ended due to his heritage and home life.
  • Herbert Hoover elected president

    First Hoover was a secretary for the U.S. He's from Iowa and was a Republican. he was the first man born west of the Mississippi river.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Many Americans were convinced that anyone could be rich. People started putting everything on credit. Even some people would pay too much for a stock. The Thursday-Tuesday of this week was called "Black Thursday".