Fraser Lopez 1930's timeline

  • March 4th, 1929- Herbert Hoover takes office

    March 4th, 1929- Herbert Hoover takes office
    Herbert Hoover was a republican. He refused to give money to welfare programs. And people called shacky run down towns Hooverville because people blamed Herbert for these happenings.
  • January 9th 1932, RFC-

    January 9th 1932, RFC-
    Was the Reconstruction finance corporatioin administrated by Herbert Hoover. After WWI it was created to help aid finances of banks, railroads, life insurance companies, and other businesses.
  • June 28th 1932- The Bonus Army

    June 28th 1932- The Bonus Army
    This was an army of WWI veterans. They were demanding their bonus'. It started to get out of hand when they started to attack.
  • Feburary 9th 1933-The New Deal

    Feburary 9th 1933-The New Deal
    Made by FDR. It was created to help economic andfinancial reform during the Great Depression.
  • March 4th 1933-FDR elected

    March 4th 1933-FDR elected
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president. While he was president he made the "New Deal" To help during the depression.
  • June 18th 1934-Indian Reorganization Act

    June 18th 1934-Indian Reorganization Act
    This gave certian rights to the Native Americans. It gave the Native Americans the management of their assests and other rights too.
  • August 2nd 1934-Hitler takes power

    August 2nd 1934-Hitler takes power
    Adolf Hitler was a German who started a political group called the Nazi's. He then became dictator of Germany.
  • November 11th 1934-Father Coughlin Attacks FDR

    November 11th 1934-Father Coughlin Attacks FDR
    Father Coughlin was a Roman Catholic priest, from Royal Oak Michigan. He first liked FDR then Franklin frounded the National Union for Social Justice. Coughlin then became a harsh crittic of FDR.
  • April 15th 1935-Social Security

    April 15th 1935-Social Security
    Made by the government. This program was to help people disabled, older, or unemployed.
  • August 16th 1935-Social Security Act

    August 16th 1935-Social Security Act
    This was an act passed by FDR during the Great Depression. It was for people in need of financial aid.
  • December 30th 1936-GM Sit-down Srike

    December 30th 1936-GM Sit-down Srike
    This strike took place in Flint,Michigan. Where the workers from GM sat down on their jobs. This strike lasted for 44 days and gave the UAW the right to represent and organize their employees.
  • December 13th 1937-Rape of Nanjing

    December 13th 1937-Rape of Nanjing
    Also reffered to as the Nanjing Massacre. This took place after the Japanese captured the foremer capital of China. Hundreds of thousands of chinese citizens were killed and raped. The imperial Japanese Army raped 20,000-80,000 women.
  • April 16th 1939-The Grapes of Wrath

    April 16th 1939-The Grapes of Wrath
    This is a novel by John Steinbeckset, during the Great Depression. It is about a poor family that had to leave their home in Oklahoma due to the Dust Bowl.
  • November 4th 1939-Neutrality Acts

    November 4th 1939-Neutrality Acts
    This was a series of acts during the 1930's. Limited the U.S to involvment in the future wars.