French indian war 1

The French and Indian War

  • Period: to

    War Timline.

  • Colonisation Of Quebec

    Colonisation Of Quebec
    In 1608 explorer Samuel de Champlain colonizes Quebec and becomes the "Father of New France". This was the first step for the French and Indian war to start because it seeded the plant that would eventuall grow to French dominance in North America as well as the disputes between the colonies of New France and those of Britain.
  • The Branching out of New France.

    The Branching out of New France.
    La Salle explored the Mississippi River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. This branching out sets up the all important fortified posts that included New Orleans as well as a stronger empire that was had an extensive fur trade. It stirred Britain with the threat of an imposing power in Europe as well as the New World.
  • King Williams War and Queen Anne's War

    These were the first two conflicts between Britain and France. It was the small steps toward the French Indian War. These two wars used a primitive style of guerilla warfare in which both sides used indians as their soldiers, instead of their own men. The British were brutally attack especially New York and Massachusetts. In the end, Britain gained Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and the Hudson Bay, The French suffered an incredible loss.
  • The War of Jenkins Ear.

    War between Britain and France's long allie Spain. It was fought in the Cariibean and was small but had lasting effects. This scuffle grew into what would become King George's War where the British would once again face the French futher antagonizing the turmoil with France. It would cause the an outrage for all New Englanders.
  • King George's War

    This war was Britain and conlist America against Spain and the French. It proved to be a huge sucess for the British who captured the seemingly untouchable fortress of Loisberg. How ever the war ended with France regaining that land and enraging the New Englanders who gave their lives for it. This event let France back into being an empire that was a serious threat to America. It was building more tensions to the French Indian War
  • George Washinton and The Ohio River Valley.

    George Washinton and The Ohio River Valley.
    George Washington was put as lieutenant of the army in Ohio. This was after Virgians were granted 500,000 acres of land in the area. He was sent to secure the claims. Washing encountered some french troops and killed its leader. The french fought back how ever and made forced him to surrender after a seige. This was the strat of the French Indian War and the begining of American freedom.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was strated by George Washington. Its signifigance lies in that it was fought in all parts of the world. Europe, the West Indies, America, and on the Ocean. It was a world wide war. In Europe Britain and Prussia were waging war on France, Spain, and Russia. In America it was the French and Indians agaisnt the colonist of America. The American colonists had lacked experience in war and unity as one. Gaining unity was essential to win.
  • Braddocks Defeat

    Braddocks defeat was monumentous for the french army. Braddock was the leader of a militia that was very undisciplined who were trying to capture Fort Duquense. They made their way through the dense forest by cutting down everything. WHen the French and Indian army approached and defeated Baddock, the indians scalped and attacked many colonist from PA to NC. In addition to this defeat Britain had lost supplies and men from attacking outposts instead of Monreal and Quebec
  • Pitt Helps Britain Win War

    Willian Pitt was a strong leader that Britain looked to win the war.
    Pitt turned Britains focus on Montreal and Quebec as well as electing new leader and replacing old generals. He took controll of Louisberg and beat Quebec with the help of James Wolfe. The Battle Of Quebec ended the war, It was all due to William Pitt.
  • Battlle of Quebec

    Battlle of Quebec
    Lead by Willian Pitt and James Wolfe it was the most significant part of the war. It ended the reign of France in the New World and made Britain the number 1 power in North America and the best navy in the world. This battle ended the war and allowed for colonist to explore beyond the Appalachian Mountains.
  • The End of the War

    The French Indian war ends after the signing of the Peace of Paris and Battles of Quebec. The war ended with a more united America looking for freedom as well as a loss in the economy and supplies for Britain, Spain gave over Flordia to Britain while France lost all but some of their land on the St. Lawrence and in the West Indies.