
World War I

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand (18 December 1863–28 June 1914), the archduke of Austria, was assassinated on June 28th 1914. This led to Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia, which also caused Austria-Hungary, Germany, and and other counries allied with Serbia to declare war on each other.
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    This battle is also known as "The Battle of Flander", was the first battle of World War I fought in Ypres. It help end the "Race to the Sea" where Germans tried to reach the French Channel ports. Ypres was also important because the city had English Channel Ports and British Army supply lines. The allies ended up coming out with the victory.
  • German Air Raid

    German Air Raid
    Two German zeppelins went on a bombing mission on the east coast of England. 28 people were killed, and 60 were injured. They also dropped bombs on two eastern coastal towns.
  • Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat

    Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat
    The RMS Lusitania,a famous Britain steamship, was sunk by a German submarine's torpedoin the Atlantic ocean. This played a huge role into the U.S.A. entering the war because out of the 1,200 people that died, 128 of them were U.S. citizens.
  • Italy Declares War on Austria-Hungary

    Italy  Declares War on Austria-Hungary
    Declaring war on Austria-Hungary, Italy was now on the allies side. Earlier, in Apirl, Italy had signed a the secret Treaty of London. The treaty gave Australian territory for entering the war. Later in the war (1916) they also declared war on Germany.
  • Battle of the Loos

    Battle of the Loos
    This battle was a major British offense, it was meant to push the Germans back into a two-pronged offence. This battle was also the first time the British used poisonous gas. There were 50,000 casualties, Germany was able to succeed in their objective.
  • The Battle of Jutland

    The Battle of Jutland
    The battle of Jutland was a naval battle fought between the German and British in the North Sea. There were about 9000 casualties, and the outcome was Iinconclusive. Both the British and the Germans had a tactical victory.
  • US Declares War

    US Declares War
    President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany to "make the world safe for democracy". The US entered the War on the allies side, to be against Germany on April 6th, 1917.
  • British Tanks Win a Victory at Cambrai

    British Tanks Win a Victory at Cambrai
    The Battle of Cambrai was a British campaign, Cambrai was a important supplier for the Germans. The British led in with 476 tanks and much other artilary. Both sides achieved offennsive tactical success, but there was no strategic result despite about 80,000 casualties.
  • Armistice

    An armistice is when in war, two oppents agree to stop fighting so they can stop fighting. On November 11th, 1918, the allies and Germany signed the armjustice, which ended the fighting on the Western Front. Even though it wasn't a surrendor or a treaty, it was the complete defeat of Germany.