Radio trans


  • Hans Christian Orsted

    He discovered the relationship between electicity and magnetism.He demonstrated that a wire carrying a current could deflect a magnitized compass.
  • Micheal Faraday

    he began a serious of expiraments and discovered that electromagentic induction, this was mathmatically modeled by faraday laws.
  • experiments with electromagnetic waves.

    James clerk maxwell, started to experiments with electromagnetic waves, too try and know were the waves could go so the radio can be heard.
  • was still experimenting

    James was doing this from 1861-1865
  • Building off faradays theory

    maxwell takes faradays theroy and starts buliding off of that
  • Faraday dies

    hes dies in august
  • Heinrich Hertz

    produces radio waves
  • First broadcast

    Radio's first news broadcast provided to sailing ships.
  • Radio Recievers

    reciver for radio was intriduced
  • shortwave

    RCA founded, short wave radio is developed.
  • Radio Station

    starts educational broadcasts
  • ten min news casts

    1928-1929, was ten min news casts created by "time magazine"