British North America

By MelodiW
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    An attack, commanded by general James Wolfe on an abandoned farmers field in New France. Natives, french, and Montcalms french-canadians fought the battle, but lost. The french troops were forced to abandon Quebec City as a result.
  • Royal Proclaimation

    Native people were very unsettled after the Seven Years War from loss of their friend and aly, the french. Issued by King George III in 1763, the Royal Proclaimation granted security of land and offered peace to First Nations. Whatever was west of the Appalachian Mountains was First Nation's territory. The proclaimation also established government in the territory of Quebec, east flordia, west florida and Grenada.
  • Quebec Act

    The Act extended Quebec's boundaries and structured its government. the new boundary included native land which is present day southern ontario and parts of the US. the act also gave a majority of the population the right to practice their roman catholic religion. Also brought French civil laws and British criminal laws
  • American War of Independence

    Many Americans wanted Independence from britain. There were two definitive groups in the country- Loyalists (people loyal to the crown) and the rebels who wanted independece. If you were neutral, you were considered a threat by the rebels. Loyalist fled to Canada and made a home there. They founded several cities, and existed in the creation of upper Canada. There were many attacks on Canada, like in montreal, but the Americans couldnt defeat the country.
  • War of 1812

    between the British and Americans. Because canada was still under the british empire, it was caught in the middle of the battle. Americans chose to invade Upper Canada for it's lack of defenses. The planned 3 way invasion(from Detroit, Niagara River and Lake Champlain) failed. Toronto was lost for a period of time, but by 1814, the british sent 15,000 troops to stop the Americans permentantly.
  • Rebellions

    Disatisfied with the governing in Both upper and Lower canada, the citizens started rebellions. In Lower Canada, french canadians wanted more respect and power in government. Leaders like Papineau used brute force to try and change the system. In upper Canada, citizens were also unhappy with the way the government was running the colony. William Lyon Mackenzie rebelled for a republic, like in America.
  • Lord Durham Report

    Lord Durham was sent to investigate the reasons for the 1837 Rebellions. He wrote a report, consisting of recomendations to simplify the problems.
    He recomended that responsible government, which was what the people wanted should be enforced. Also recomended was a Union of the Colonies that would sentence the rebelious french canadians to a minority.
  • Act of Union

    Against many peoples wishes, the British decided to unite Upper and Lower Canada into one province with one government. In attemps to outnumber the french people and culture. This was enacted on the recomendation of Lord Durham.
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    Baldwin-Lafontaine Coalition

    Robert Baldwin and Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine were both hardworking politicians who had the common belief that a raging rebellion wasnt the way to get responsible government and an organized party system. Instead, they teamed up to make The Reform Party, which became very popular amoung Canadians.
  • Quebec Confrence

    This was to discuss and debate changes in Canadian government. A union of the colonies , rep by pop , sectional equality and residual powers were all topic debated at the confrence.
  • Confederation

    The union of colonies New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Canada (formerly Upper and Lower Canada) into one country. The colonies became the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Confederation came about from many factors. Economic, development, the need for a trans colony railroad and the effects of the American Civil War are some examples.