chapter 25.2 The Unification Of Germany Ivan Eddie Oscar

By Eddie96
  • Bismarck's Rise To Power

    Bismarck's Rise To Power
    Bismarck built the prussian army into a powerful war machine. He opposed democracy and the idea of parliment.He thought that State should be able to hold authority not the people. wanted to expand Prussia.
  • The Danish War

    Pruusia and Austria declared war on Denmark because they wanted the Danish constitiution to be revoked. France and Great Britain didn't help Denmark, and the war went on for three months. And Denmark surrendered and then there was a peace treaty.
  • The Seven Weeks' War

    Bismarck provoked Austria into styarting a war with Prussia. Using tecnology that Prussian's had they beet Austria in seven weeks. German confederation was gone and Austria surrenered.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    Bismarck had persuaded the independant states to to join the North German Confederation. Bismarck got a telegram from King William and edited it so it sounded bad and then started a new war with Prussia. No one would help the French and the Prussian's won the war. The government fell and created a peace treaty.
  • Formation of the German Empire

    German representatives met in the Halls of Mirrors and formed the German Empire which included all German states except Austria. Berlin was the Empire's capital, King William 1 was Germa Emperor. And Bismarck was Chancellor but he disliked constitutions. Each state had its own ruler and dealt with its own problems. Southern states controlled the military.