Unit 8 Timeline

By mango1
  • Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing Emporer, Puyi

    Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing Emporer, Puyi
    The Chinese were tired of emporers, so they got rid of their last one: Henry Puyi ... I think. Sun Yixian was the leader of the Kuomintang which is the nationalist group that got rid of the Last Emporer.
  • World War 1 begins as Austria declares war of Serbia

    World War 1 begins as Austria declares war of Serbia
    Serbians assasinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand when he was in Serbia, and so the Austro-Hungarinas got mad, and they delcared war on Serbia in the Balkan Peninsula.
  • U.S. enters the war

    U.S. enters the war
    USW - unrestricted submarine warfare. Germans used it against the US on some ship that starts with an L. Zimmerman Note - Arthur Zimmerman (german) sent it to Mexico. Zimmerman was the Mexican Ambassador to Germany, or something like that...but he was german. And he sent a note that was intercepted in Galveston saying that germany would help mexico regain US mexican territories if mexico joined the war on the side of the Triple Alliance. This made the US mad, so the US entered the war.
  • Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers

    Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers
    Paris Armistice signed the end of the war, that the Allies had won, and that the Central Powers had lost. Germany is a mean country. No wonder Hitler led Germany, and no his OWN country: Austria. He's such a non-patriotic person!!!
  • Gandhi leads an Indian campaign of civil disobedience

    Gandhi leads an Indian campaign of civil disobedience
    Gandhi was a good character in this story :). He believed in independence for India, but he also believed in non-violence, so he led the civil disobedience movement where Indians just didn't follow unfair British law, yet they didn't riot in order to disobey British law. They did everything through non-violence.
  • Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic

    Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
    This tittle doesn't really make sense.....but anyways. After WW1, Turkey was really the only place left of the Ottoman empire. So, Mustafa (whose name sounds like Mufasa (Simba's dad :D and Serabi's HUSBAND :p) Kemal overthrew the ottoman sultans, and ruled Turkey. He's called "ataturk" which means "father of the turks" because he was a great leader. He transformed turkey into a republic!
  • Mao Zedong leads Long March

    Mao Zedong leads Long March
    Mao Zedong believed that revolutionaries should be peasants. He also led the long march so that he and his communists could run away from Jiang Jieshi and Jiang's nationalist army. They went 6,000 miles and they had about 700,000 people. By the end of the journey, only about 7,000 - 8,000 people survived :(. Tragic :(.