The cold war

The Cold War

By shewitt
  • Beginning of the Cold War

    Beginning of the Cold War
    By the end of World War 2, relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a communist nation, and the United States was a democratic nation. The Soviet accused US and other capitalist nations of attempting to surround and overthrow their communism.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    The Berlin Blockade was the Soviet's response to the west's plan for weatern Germany. In June, Soviet Union blocked all railroad, highway, and water traffic through east Germany to West Berlin. They thought it would force the weaterns to leave Berlin. Instead Berlin was supplied fully by airlift. While the blockade ended in May of 1949, the airlift continued until September.
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    Korean War

    This was the first war in which troops of a world organization fought an aggressor nation. Both south and north Korea claimed the entire country and clasked many times near the border. President Turman sent troops over in late 1948, but ended up in withdrawing them in June of 1949. The peace talks began in July.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was a treaty the held most of the Eastern European nations in a military command under tight Soviet control. It was signed by Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslavakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and the Soviet Union. It was signed in response to NATO.
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    Vietnam War

    Vietnam War was the longest war that the United States took part in. This war was actually the second phase in, what the Vietnamiese communists called it, a war of National Liberation. It was in July that the United States started to slowly withdraw it's forces. The war was enormously destructive, with about 1.3 million military deaths.
  • U-2 Spy Plane

    U-2 Spy Plane
    This incident abrutly ended the thaw. A U-2 Spy Plane was shot down in the U.S.S.R. Eisenhower accpeted personal responsibilty. He admitted the U-2 spy planes had been flying over U.S.S.R. and taking pictures for about 4 years. But, he refused to apologize. Khrushchev canceled the invitation for the President to visit U.S.S.R.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    This wall was bulit to divide the 2 parts of Berlin. The Communist east, and the Non-communist west. The wall was bulit to prevent east Germans from emigrating to the west. It was about 26 miles long. The tearing down of the wall was hailed as a symbol of the collapse of communism. It was torn fown in 1989.
  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    The Chinese Revolution, also know as the Cultural Revolution, was a political movement in China. It was launched by Mao Zedong. His aim was to rid his party, the government, and military of people who were not totally commited to his political ideas. The effects were harmful on the Chinese economy. Caused Chinese to question their faith in communism.
  • 1st Man on the Moon

    1st Man on the Moon
    U.S. astronaut, Neil Alden Armstrong, Landed Apolla 11 lunar moduale Eagle on the moon. He then left the module to explore the moon's surface. Over radio transmission he said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    In the 1980's people in the Soviet showed increase demands for greater freedom from the central government. In July of 1991 Gorbachev and the leaders of 10 different nations signed a treaty giving large amounts of self-governemnt. On December 25 1991, Gorbachev resigned as president, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist.