Cold War Timeline

By jtalamo
  • Beginning of the Cold War

    Beginning of the Cold War
    The Berlin blockade first major confrontation of the Cold War. The Soviet Union was blamed for failing to carry out economic provisions. The United States had led the Western bloc.
  • Period: to

    Cold War Timespan

  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan encouraged European nations to work together for economic recovery after World War II. The United States agreed to aid to Europe if the countries would meet to decide what they needed. The official name of the plan was the European Recovery Program.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    The Airlift brought food, coal, petroleum and other supplies to more than two million people in Western Britain. This was a historic effort by which France, the United Kingdom and the United States supplied West Berlin by air during a Soviet blockade. Berlin Airlift ranks most among the most importan incidents of the early Cold War.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched which the first artificial satellite. It circled the Earth once every 96 minutes at 18,000 miles per hour. The Soviet Union launched nine more larger Sputniks.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This was the longest war with the United States involved. It was enormously destructive. It was the second phase of fighting in Vietnam. The United States army tried to stop rebels, but failed.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    It was built to divide East and West Berlin. It was 26 miles long and was constructed of heavily fortified barriers. There was a massive concrete wall from 12 to 15 feet in height.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This is when the United States and the Soviet Union teetered on the brink of war. this was one of the most serious incidents of the Cold War. The United States learned that the Soviet Union had secretly installed missiles in Cuba, about 90 miles from Florida
  • SALT I and SALT II

    SALT I and SALT II
    SALT stands for: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. It was a series of meetings between the United States and Soviet Russia. SALT discusses the limitation of the production of nuclear weapons.
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    Lance Armstrong was an astronaut from the United States. He was the first human being to step foot on the moon. Armstrong landed the Apollo 11 lunar module Eagle on the moon.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    This event renewed demands by the republics for a greater amount of control over thei own affairs. 13 out of 15 republics had declared independence, 11 republics agreed to remain part of loose confederation of self-governing states.