15 Life Events

  • My Birth

    My Birth
  • 1st day of school

    1st day of school
    I remember when my mom first left me alone. I felt scared but I tried to be a "man" and try not to cry but ended up crying for about 20 min non-stop. As soon as my mom came back I felt safe again and eventually got over my drama act.
  • When I went to visit New York for vacation

    When I went to visit New York for vacation
    When I was about seven years old I went to my first vacation outside of Mexico, and California, it was strange and thrilling at the same time. It was also the first time I went on a plane and was so full of excitement, I even got to go in the cockpit and got a metal fromt the main pilot. Once I got to NYC I realized it was much differnt from California, from the constant movement of people and the constant noises from cars. But I personaly loved it with all the skyscrapers obstucting my veiw.
  • When I traveled to Washington D.C

    When I traveled to Washington D.C
    After my trip to New York, my family went on another trip that I was not expecting to go, I went to the Washington D.C and traveld the city and saw historical buildings and eventually got to meet President Bush in the White House.
  • My First Video Game Console

    My First Video Game Console
    I remember the day I got my first Console, it was strage and exciting at the same time, I even remembre the firs game I got as well it was a game called "Pacman Adventures" and I constantly played it for hours on end and changed me to be a gamer to this day.