1600's to 1800's

  • Guy Fawkes is Killed

    Guy Fawkes is Killed
    On this day, Guy Fawkes was arrested and killed for attempting to blow up Parliament. This as a holiday in England today, as people celebrate King James I's survival. Guy Fawkes tried to pull off his famous operation with gunpowder.
  • Czar Michael is Crowned

    Czar Michael is Crowned
    Czar Michael's crowning marked the end of Russia's "Time of Troubles", which occured after Ivan the Terrible's death. Michael was also the founder of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia until 1917. This young man was a relative of Ivan's first wife.
  • The Thirty Years War Begins

    The Thirty Years War  Begins
    On this day, a crowd of protestant supporters stormed the royal castle at Prague and threw three people out of windows. Today, this is known as the Defenistration of Prague and it marks the begininning of the Thirty Years War, which was a war that involved all of Europe except for England, and was fought between Catholics and Protestants.
  • Galileo's Trial

    Galileo's Trial
    Galileo was a great scientist and thinker, but was sadly condemmed on this day after defending his ideas on the universe, including his belief that the planets orbited the sun. He was condemmed to life in house arrest and died at his own home in 1642.
  • The Battle of Edge Hill

    The Battle of Edge Hill
    The Battle of Edge Hill was the first major battle in the English Civil War. This battle was considered a draw between the forces of the Earl of Essex and Charles 1 because both sides were too tired to continue with battle and declared victory. Both sides lost about 1,500 infantry men here, and exhaustion claimed the remaining men.
  • The Battle of Marston Moor

    The Battle of Marston Moor
    The Battle of Marston Moor was the second major battle of the English Civil War. The Royalist forces, or "Cavaliers" faced defeat, which ended most of the Royalist influence in the north. There were many causes for this defeat, but it mastly due to the unorganization of the Royalist troops.
  • The Battle of Naseby

    The Battle of Naseby
    The Battle of Naseby is considered to be the turning point of the English Civil War. Charles 1 and Cromwell met, and in the end, Cromwell, who commanded the "Roundhead" forces, was the victor. This is considered to mark the end of the English Civil war, and after this Comwell took power, having Charles publically beheaded.
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia
    This treaty created peace between all countries involved in the Thirty Years War, thus ending this terrible battle. It also widened the religious tolerance of Lutherans to the reformed Calvanist church.
  • The Death of Cromwell

    The Death of Cromwell
    Cromwell died and was suceeded by Charles II, who restored parliament, which Cromwell had dismissed while he was in power. This action marks the restoration, which is a huge part of English history. Cromwell's military dictatorship was over.
  • The New English Bill of Rights is Passed

    The New English Bill of Rights is Passed
    A new Bill of Rights for Enlgand was created and passed on this date. This new document set up an equal relationship between the crown (king and queen) and parliament. This is part of the inspiration for the American Bill of Rights.
  • Peter the Great's journey Begins

    Peter the Great's journey Begins
    Peter the Great began his journey to Western Europe to see what changes needed to be made in his kingdom in 1697. He wished to modernize Russia, and went in disguise to learn all sorts of crafts fist-hand. This operation was carried out after Peter by Catherine II.
  • The War of the Austrian Succesion

    The War of the Austrian Succesion
    The War of the Austrian Succesion arose when Queen Maria Theresa of Austria didn't accept Fredrick the Great of Prussia's proposal of an alliance. Two German states, France, and Spain had joined into the battle on Prussia's side. The odds were greatly against Maria Theresa, and she called for peace in 1748.
  • Montesquieu publishes "The Sprirt of the Laws"

    Montesquieu publishes "The Sprirt of the Laws"
    Montesquieu wrote "The Spirit of Laws" which was published in 1748. He was one of the Enlightenment's great thinkers, and in his book he compares and contrasts numerous kinds of governments. He believed in seperation of power in the government, also known as checks and balances, and certain governments for certain certain sizes of governments.
  • The Seven Years War Begins

    The Seven Years War Begins
    This war arose from a continued rivarly between Austria and Hungary from the War of the Austrian Succession. Prussia and Great Britain were on one side, while Austria, France, and Russia were on the other. This war was not only fought in Europe, but in the enemies' colonies in India and North America as well.
  • Catherine the Great comes to Power

    Catherine the Great comes to Power
    Catherine the great, also known as the czarina of Russia, came to power after her husband, Czar Peter III was murdered by herself and her allies. She saw herslef as the true heir of Peter the Great, and continued his westernization efforts. She reformed Russia's legal and educational systems and took away a few restrictions on trade.
  • The End of the Seven Years War

    The End of the Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War ended with the signing of the treaties of Paris and Hudertusberg. This moved the new colonies in America around quite a bit; different countires now controlled different areas. This new arrangement strengthened the 13 American colonies by removing thier European rivals that were to the north and south.
  • The Last volume of Diderot's "Encyclopedia" is Published

    The Last volume of Diderot's "Encyclopedia" is Published
    Diderot was inspired to write his 28-volume work to promote knowledge. He worked on these for 27 years; some French leaders attacked his books because they were critical towards the church. Because of this, he wrote some of the later volumes in secret.
  • The Fench Revolution Begins

    The Fench Revolution Begins
    The French Revolution began when the Third Estate was locked out of parliament for wanting a constitutional democracy. The 600 members then made a pact to meet at the indoor tennis court until they had a constitution. The third estate was mainly made up of commoners, while the first was the clergy and the second was the nobility.
  • The Bastille is Stormed

    The Bastille is Stormed
    The Bastille, which is an armory and prison, was stormed in Paris. This was a great help to the rebels, as they attained weapons and supporters. After this, in October, the Royal Family moved from Versailles to Paris.
  • The New French Constitution is Created

    The New French Constitution is Created
    This Constituition was France's first written constitution. It used the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as an introduction. This document also meant the beginning of a French Constitutional Monarchy.