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1850 - 1861

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    This was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe for the abolitionist movement. She was a huge player in the abolitionist movement and helped spark controversy and between the North and South.
  • The Repulican Party

    The Republican Party was formed during this time which became one of the two main parties we still use today.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    This was a territorial act drafted by Stephen Douglas in order to determine the borders of Kansas and Nebraska.
  • Bloody Kansas

    These were violent attacks made on the border of kansas.
  • Election of 1856

    This was a three-way election between Buchanan, Fillmore, and Fremont.
  • Dred Scott

    This man appeared in the Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court Case that said that the U.S. Constitution did not allow citizenship to black people and raised the question as to if they were even Americans.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    These were seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas that were about the slave trade.
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    The raid on Harper's Ferry (a town in Virginia) was a move made by John Brown as part of the abolistionist movement. His purpose was to start a revolt against the North and South on the term of freeing the slaves. This was one of the main causes of the Civil War and was considered an attack.
  • Election 1860

    This election was the one that put Lincoln in the seat of power and therefore made the Union an important part of the next chapter of history.
  • Secession

    The secession of the Southern States started the Civil War. It was the Union trying to free the slave states and trying to make all of America a free state.
  • John Brown

    John Brown was an abolistionist during the late 1800's who fought for the end of slavery. He was pro war and very in favor of the Civil War.