• Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 3.2% for the year
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    With a boom in the 1920's for America people were thriving and thus creating the middle class. Then on October 29 the stock market crashed creating total caos.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 8.9% for the year.
  • Smoot Hawley Tariff

    Smoot Hawley Tariff
    Congress passed the Smoot Hawley Tariff which steeply raised import duties in an attempt to protect American manufactures from foreign competition.
  • Empire State Building

    Empire State Building
    Construstion was completed on the Empire State Building in NYC and opens for busniess.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 16.3% for the year.
  • Roosevelt Elected

    Roosevelt Elected
    Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican Presidebt Herbert Hoover in a landslide to win the presidency.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 24.9% for the year.
  • Townsend Proposes Pension Plan

    Townsend Proposes Pension Plan
    Dr. Francis Townsend sended a letter to the LOng Beach Press-Telegram proposing state-funded pensions for the elderly to boost consumption and employment. Trying to better America.
  • Share Our Wealth Society Founded

    Share Our Wealth Society Founded
    Huey Long founded the Share Our Wealth society, advocating outright seizure of the "excess fortunes" of the rich to redistribute to the poor.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 21.7% for the year.
  • Townsend Support Grows

    Townsend Support Grows
    More than 5000 Townsend Clubs nationwide together represent maore than 2 million members. An estimated 25 million Americans have signed petitions asking their representatives to back the Townsend Plan in Washington.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 20.1% for the year.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 16.9% for the year.
  • Roosevelt Reelected

    Roosevelt Reelected
    Roosevelt was elected toa second term as president, winning but a lot over Republican Alf Landon. Roosevlet wins every state but Maine and Vermont.
  • Unemployment Low

    Unemployment averages 14.3% for the year.
  • Nazi Rally in New York City

    Nazi Rally in New York City
    The German-American Bund staged a huge rally of fascist sympatgizers supporting what they call "True Americanism" in Madison Square Garden. Anti-Semitic Hitler admirer and Bund leader Fritz Kuhn calls Franklin "Frank Rosenfeld", the New Deal "The Jew Deal.'
  • Mobilization Lifts Economy

    Mobilization Lifts Economy
    The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor draws United States into World War ll. Mobilization for war finally lifted the American economy permanently out of the Great Depression
  • Roosevelt Elected Third Term

    Roosevelt Elected Third Term
    Roosevelt was reelected president of the United States for a record third time, handily defeating his Republican challanger, Thomas Dewey. Roosevelts progressive legislation improved America's economic climate.