• 1

    "the clocks were striking thirteen" with the first sentence of the book you can infer that there is not only one clock striking 13, but all, so this tell us that in the book they have a unified society.
  • 2

    Winston drinks a bit of gin and smoke a cigarette.
  • 3

    Winston is an ironic name because Winston means "friendly countrty" and Oceania isn't a friendly country. Smith is a common name and Winston is nothing that common, he thinks different from everyone. Finally he is similar to Churchill because they both went against the government.
  • 4

    Winston notice that the alclove is hidden from the view of the telescreen. So he decided to start an ilegal diary in that part of the house.
  • 5

    Winston is afraid that the Party discoverer his diary, because it is very easy to commit a crime in Oceania, it can be only for his face. It is called face crime when someone shows any kind of facial expression. It's easy to commit because it's hard to control your facial expressions.
  • 6

    Winstone wrote in his diary "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER".
    Big Brother is the face of the Party, the leader of all society, he acts trustworthy but also for Winston he is the enemy and a threat.
  • 7

    The party mottos are "War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strenght". It's unusual because they contradict bewteen theirselves.
  • 8

    Winston lunch is over so he returned to work.
  • 9

    Winston in his work he helps the Party to control history by changing past events so they match with the things that the Party said. This is done so people don't have true memories and a true identity.
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    Winston recieve messages in Newspeak in his work, it is the official language of Oceania, and it's purpose is that the message have to be decodified so normal people don't understand it and don't know the true.
  • 11

    Winston dreams about his mother and how his family dissapear when he was 7 or 10 years old.
  • 12

    all the people went to the Two-minute Hate in Winston's work.
  • 13

    Emmanuel Goldstein is a fictional character created by the Party to use his image as a symbolic enemy of the Party. He has a obviously Jewish name because Hitler and Stalin hated Jewish people, so people can relate with this hate.
  • 14

    Winston is awakened by a whistle from the telescreen at 7:30 a.m. that is the time were all workers must rise.
  • 15

    Winston is doing the routine morning exercises that the telescreen orders him to do.