
21 Balloons-Jaden

  • Cupola

    At 1:29 a.m. the cuploa of the Western American Explorers Club rises off and floats away p.24
  • BAlloons

    The period of the book when balloons were most popular is 1860-1890 p.6
  • Krakatoa

    The explosion of Krakatoa was in 1883 p.6
  • 20 families

    About seven years ago Mr. M came back to Krakatoa with the other nineteen families on the ship p.84
  • Diamonds

    The first year on Krakatoa was a bad year, everybody was verypiggish about the diamond mines p.84
  • Balloon Raft

    The people of Krakatoa created the balloon raft after the big explosion on their second yesr on Krakatoa p.143
  • Prof. Sherman takes off

    Prof. Sherman takes off
    Prof. Sherman takes off at three o'clock from San Fransisco p.9+29
  • Flying

    Prof. Sherman wathces the coastline disappear less than ten minutes into his journey p.49
  • Sailed away

    At 2:00 o'clock only four of Prof. Sherman's friends were their to say goodbye p.45
  • 4th day of journey

    The odor of garbage became very strong in his balloon so he had to dump it in the ocean p.50
  • 5th day of journey

    5th day of journey
    5th day of journey. Prof. Sherman sights a small Japenese fishing boat p.51
  • 7th day of journey

    The most catastrophic day of journey
    A pigeon popped a hole in the balloon causing the balloon to loose altitude very quickly and then the balloon crashed on Krakatoa
  • Crashed

    Prof. Sherman was gently awakened on the island of Krakatoa by Mr. F, he had slept for five hours p.61
  • Atlas

    Prof. Sherman borrowed an atlas from Mr. M p.137
  • A day on Krakatoa

    Prof. Sherman arrives on Krakatoa p.136
  • Shipwrecked

    Mr. M gets shipwrecked of the coast of Krakatoa in a hurricane
    in1875 p.81
  • Beach

    Prof. Sherman went swimming and sun bathing with Mr. F
    He gave Mr. F a brief talk about San Fransisco
    Mr. F asked him if he cuold give a talk like this at dinner p.155
  • Erruption

    On the D-day of the month of lamb the island errupted when Prof. Sherman was giving his speach
    He had ten minutes to make it on to the balloon raft, he was the last person to make it on
  • Volcano

    They hovered over the volcano for seventeen hours p.166
  • Balloon raft

    On the second day on the ballon raft the thick cloud of black dust disappeared and they could tell that they were not flying over Java p.171
  • Nine days on balloon raft

    He flew over India, Persia, Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Belgium where the F. family left him, he flew over England where he attempeded to crash the raft into the Atlantic p.172
  • Found by S.S. Cunningham

    Prof. Sherman was found in Atlantic Ocean
    N.Lat.60 W.Long.17
    Strange wreckage in the distance p.12
  • Murray Hill Hotel

    Murray Hill Hotel
    Prof. Sherman left the Murray Hill Hotel at 8:00 p.m. p.17
  • Day before arrival

    The day before Prof. Sherman was expected in San Fransisco p.28
  • Presidential Train

    Presidential Train
    The presidential train was sighted in the distance in San Fransisco at exactly 2:56 o'clock on the afternoon of Sep. 23 p.31