
  • 220

    The fall of the Han empire

    220 C.E.
  • 221

    Han Dinasty or Empire

    221 B.C.E. Tha Han dinasty suceeds Qin
  • 221

    The fall of the Qin empire to The Han Empire

    221 B.C.E.
  • 226

    Th Fall of the Parthian Empire

    226 C.E.
  • 250

    The beginning of Parthian Empire

    247 B.C.E during the time of the silk road bulit in modern Iran
  • 320

    Gupta Empiree

    320 C.E. Chandra Gupta starts the Gupta Empire
  • 323

    Alexander and the hellenistic age

    323 B.C.E The start of the hellenistic age
  • 324

    Constantine moves Captital of Roman Empire

    324 Constantine later the west side of the empire falls the east side becomes the Byztine Empire The first empire to take Christainity as its main religon
  • 324

    The mauryan Empire

    324 B.C.E. Chandra Maurya bcomes King and establishes empire
  • 507

    Establishment of the Roman Republic

    507 B.C.E.The Republic soon falls And they create the Empire after some chaos In 45 B.C.E. Paul begins to spread Chirstianiy through Eastern mediterranean.
  • 550

    Collapse of the Gupta Empire

    550 C.E.
  • The Qin Empire begins

    480 B.C.E.
  • The Fall of The Mauryan Empire

    184 C.E.
  • Alexader and the hellenistic age endind date

    30 B.C.E.