30 Day Business Plan

  • Start Business Planning

    With a small group of designers and marketers, design the website from scratch. By doing so we can create a custom and very different but attractive website.
  • Period: to

    30 Day Business Plan

  • Start Prototyping / Marketing.

    Prototype the Cameras and Base for the best quality but at the cheapest cost possible while making most of it out of recycled plastic. While doing so, marketing the product with ads and using online surveys, with written ones shipped to people across Darwin.
  • Test the prototype.

    With the prototype, test the cameras in extreme conditions including testing the Base Modem which controls the cameras and uploads it to the cloud for safety. After testing, we test the setup with actual homeowners from all age and in different locations.
  • Get Funding

    With the prototype in action with a reliable source, we can now open a Go Fund Me where we can share this with friends, family and official entrepreneurs. Then we can get a loan from the bank and even let them test it so they can see what we want a loan for.
  • Start Marketing to the public.

    With the new website operational, the new camera setups, and an awesome marketing team. The product will be sold online or in shop where the customers can ask all the questions and even see the product in action.
  • Begin Warehouse Production

    With the launch becoming very successful, we have begin production with our international friends,