Semester Review Timeline

  • Invention of the Telegragh

    The telegragh was invented for the purpose of communicating in a different way.
  • Homestead Act

    Was passed by Congress. Was given to people to own 160 acres of land for 5 years.
  • End of Civil War

    When the slave states and free states stopped the fighting in the U. S.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    This railroad that was connected by the Central Pacific and Union Pacific.
  • Telephone is invented

  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    This was the indians last victory against the U. S. Army.
  • End of Reconstruction

    President Hayes removed the troops from fighting which ended Reconstruction.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    The U. S. banned the Chinese immigrants for ten years and later was extended.
  • Time Zones Created

    Were used to create a local time in the U. S. states.
  • Pendleton Act

    This provided federal business jobs to the people.
  • Dawes Act

    This act got rid of monopolies in the United States.
  • Sherman Anti Trust Act

    This act regulated the commerce in the United States.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    350 troops met at Wounded Knee Creek and fought the indians after they took their belongings.
  • Ellis Island opens

    It was a border dispute in New Jersey and NYC.
  • Model T invented