1st Semester Review

  • invention of the telelgraph

  • Homestead Act

    Any U.S. citizen who did not fight against the government, could turn in a application to claim 160 acres of surveyed government land
  • End Of Civil War

    the civil war ended in 1862
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    First transcontinental railroad. Went from ohmaha nebraska, to sacramento cailfornia.
  • telephone invented

  • Battle of little bighorn

    General Custer died during this battle.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    excluded chinese workers from entering the United States during the golod rush, for 10 years
  • Model T invented

  • Dawes Act

    Provided the divison of tribally held lands into individually owned areas
  • Sherman Anti trust act

    restricted trusts and monoplies.