French-English Relations

  • Creation of the Hudson Bay Company

    The Hudson Bay company was the first fur trading post built in the New World
  • Signing of the Royal Proclamation

    The signing of the Royal Proclamation meant that the Native groups were to be protected from uncontrolled white settlements.
  • Samuel Hearne reaches Arctic Ocean

    Samuel Hearne became the first Eurpoean to reach the Arctic ocean.
  • War of 1812

    This was the big war between the United States and Great Britian. It lasted until 1815.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    This battle was significant for Canada, as General Isaac Brock, the military leader, was a hero as he defeated the opposition.
  • Period: to

    Great Migration

    The Great Migration brought many immigrants from British colonies over to Quebec and boosted the population.
  • The Proclamation of the Act of Union

    The Act of Union, proclaimed in 1841 and passed before that in 1840, united Upper Canada and Lower Canada together under one government, by the reccomendation of Lord Durham. This was necessary to establish the new Province of Canada.
  • The Start of the American Civil War

    The American Civil War had a big impact in developing a separate identity for Canada.
  • Confederation

    The union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada
  • George Brown