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5, Negron and Snook, History of Earth Timeline

  • 1600 - 1700

    Some scientists discovered that microorganisms have a simple structure, are extremely numerous, and are widespread.
  • Period: to

    History Of The Earth

  • Redi's Experiment (1626 - 1697)

    described the different development forms of flies. He observed that tiny wormlike maggots turned into sturdy oval cases, and also that maggots seemed to appear where adult flies had previously landed.
  • First Microscopes

    Light Microscope: uses optical lenses to magnify objects by bending light rays. (Hooke - 1665)
  • 1700-1800

    Italian scientist, Lazzaro Spallanzani designed an experiment to test the hypothesis of spontaneous generation of microorganisms.
  • Spallanzani's Experiment (1729 - 1799)

    He was testing the hypothesis of spontaneous generation. He thought that boiling broth would kill all mircoorganisms in the flask. So, he biled clear broth. wile it was still hot, he sealed the flasks, and left others open. The ones that were sealed remained clean, and the one that was open became contaminated.
  • 1800 - 1900

    Controversy over spontaneous generation had grown tremendously. The Paris Acamdemy of Science offered an award to anyone who would clear up the issue. The winner was Louis Pasteur.
  • Pasteur's Experiment (mid - 1800s)

    Pasteur made an experiment using a curved neck flask, allowing the air outside of the flask to mix with the air inside. This flask prevented microorganisms from entering the flask. Then boiled broth inside, remained clear for over a year, but when he broke off the curved neck, the broth became cloudy within a day. Pasteur found out that the contamination came from microorganisms in the air.
  • Radiometric Dating

    Methods of establishing the age of materials include this technique.
  • Sidney Fox

    (1912 - 1998) She did extensive research on physical structure that may have given rise to the first cells.
  • Oparin's hypothesis

    That early gases might have formed simple organic compounds, such as amino acids.
  • Urey and Miller

    They set up an experiment using Oparin’s hypothesis, as a starting point.
  • Lynn Margulis

    She wrote the book, Origin of Eukaryotic Cells which discusses her early work pertaining to this organelle genesis theory in detail.
  • Thomas Cech

    He found that a type of RNA found in some unicellular eukaryotes is able to act as a chemical catalyst.