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Amtrak Knowledge Management

By mdgregg
  • Congress passed the Rail Passenger Service Act

    Congress passed the Rail Passenger Service Act
    The Act allow allow Amtrak to be created
  • The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) was created

    The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) was created
    Amtrak was created to revitalize the train industry
  • Knowledage Management lead to purchase of French turbo liners

    Knowledage Management lead to purchase of French turbo liners
  • Amtrak KM expanded shifting from supervisory to an ownership

    Amtrak KM expanded shifting from supervisory to an ownership
    New Time Tables were added to meet customers and business models
  • Starting Amtrak Knowleadge Management system

    Starting Amtrak Knowleadge Management system
    Amtrak KM expanded hiring customer service specialists and integrated better KM systems