Personal Odyessey Teressa Elliott

  • My birth,!(:

    I was born on Feb 14th 1995,! I was born at Deaconess hospital. They had to do a sea section on my mom because something wasnt right with her. My mom was really sick afterwards there was alot of complications we was both in the hospital longer than were supposed to be. I was born at 12:56 am and i weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces.
  • My favorite thing growing up.<3

    I got my very first pair of shoes & they was eeyore haha i loved them everything I had was eeyore growing up my pacifier blankets everything.
  • My gap haha

    When I was littler I could fit a cheerios through my fromt teeth haha it was really bigg.
  • Baby sister,!!

    We got a new little addition to out family. Emily Renee my sister born at Deaconess..I was so excited to hold a baby for the very first time.My mom says i was little miss mommy,(:
  • The next addition

    On july 4th 2001 my next cibling was born Joshua Aaron. I was the happiest i could be because by then I was trying to take care of everyone & everything.