Lesson 12 EQDB: Top Ten Achievements of the Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Enguine

    The steam engine helped with the transportation of people and goods, which was really good for everyone!
  • Invention of the Flying Shuttle

    The flying shuttle revolutionized weaving and made the process easier. This invention fueled the Industrial Revolution.
  • Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin made farmers' jobs a lot easier because it separated the cotton and the seeds from each other automatically. Farmers no longer had to perform this grueling task by hand.
  • Wheel Locomotive

    The invention of the wheel locomotive made transportating things much easier, which was really good because people needed an easier way to transport their goods.
  • Telephone

    With the invention of the telephone, people were able to get in contact with each other more quickly. This was great because I'm sure their hands got tired from writing letters. Imagine a world without phones...
  • Light Bulb

    With the lightbulb, seeing in darkness was never easier! It is because of this invention that we no longer need candles. It's a good thing they still make candles though, because if not what would we do when the power went out?
  • The Car

    The car was one of the most helpful inventions because people could now travel at their own pace and pleasure. Then again, couldn't they do that before? But horses don't always agree with you and hijacking a train probably isn't legal..
  • First Airplane

    The airplane's invention by the Wright brothers made travel by sky something that was possible.
  • Cheap Car

    Because of this cheaper car, anyone(with liscense) could have one. This was good because many people had places to go but their horses got tired.
  • Cheap Car

    Because of this cheaper car, anyone(with liscense) could have one. This was good because many people had places to go but their horses were tired.
  • Assembly Line

    The assembly line was created to make work go by more quickly - and it did! People still use the assembly line today and I know firsthand that it makes work quicker.