Odyssey time line

By perez39
  • troy

    Odysseus when to Troy to help fight the people invading there city.
  • Cyclopes

    Odysseus found Cyclopes cave and ate cheez and draink wine.
  • Lotus Eaters

    Odyusseus sent his men to seach for food to survie
  • Cicones

    They where brutly attacked by horseback, Odysseus lost 72 men that night.
  • Aeolus

    Odysseus foung the wind god then gave Odysseus a bag of bad wind to gide him back home.
  • Laestrygonians

    A race of Cannibals ate the Greeks. Only Odysseus ship and men surrvied
  • Circes

    Odysses was on the island what seemed like a cuple of days but he had been on that island for a cuple of years.
  • The Underworld

    Odysseous found his mother and was trying to find his way home.
  • The Island of the Sirens