Chapter 17

  • Est undecima hora, et raede est in fossa.

    it is the elleventh hourm and the carriage is in the ditch.
  • Eucleides, Aurelia, Cornelia sunt deffestunt et vidunt cauponam.

    Eucliedes, Aurelia and Cornelia are tired and see an inn,
  • Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.

    Cornelia stands in the road and looks at this sky because now it is getting dark.
  • Eucleides inquit , “Videsne illud aedificium, domine?”

    Eucleides asks, "Do you want to go to the building, master?"
  • Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram! Cauponas non amo. Saepe ibi perīcula sunt magna."

    Aurelia yells, "Oh, poor me! I do not love inns. They always have great danger."
  • “Cūr timēs, mea domina?” Eucleides rogat. “Nullum est periculum. Omnes cauponae non sunt periculosae. Omnes caupones nōn sunt scelestī."

    "Why are you frightened, my master?" Eucleides asks. "It is not scary. All inns are not dangerous. All inns are not wicked."
  • Sed Aurelia, dicet “Cornēlius est senator Romanus. Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”

    But Aurelia says, "Cornelius is a Roman senator. Roman senators do not spend the night at inns."
  • Cornelius tamen, “Quid facere possumus?” inquit. “Hīc in Viā Appiā pernoctare non possumus."

    Cornelius says: "What am I able to do? We cannot spend the night here in the Appian Way!"
  • Cornelii i at cauponum.

    The Cornelius go the the inn.
  • raedarius in viā ; raedam et equos custodiebat.

    The carriage stands in the the road; the carriage and horses are gaurded.