Ch. 6 by Elizabeth Spatz in 7th period

By spatz
  • Nōndum lūcet, sed Cornēlia surgit et per vīllam ambulat.

    It is not yet light ,but Cornelia stands up and walks toward the house
  • Multī servī mox in agrōs currunt ubi strēnuē laborant.

    Many slaves soon run in the fields where they streuosly work.
  • Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.

    Now Cornelius and Aurelia stand up.
  • Cornēlius petit Davum quī in hortō est.

    Cornelius seeks Davus who is in the garden.
  • Iratus subitō est Cornēlius.

    Suddenly Cornelius is angry.
  • Davus, ubi Cornelium audit, statim surgit et labōrāre parat.

    Davus, who listens to Cornelia, and immediately he stands up and prepares to work.
  • Aurēlia Cornēliam docet vīllam cūrāre.

    Aurelia teaches Cornelia to look after the house.
  • Ancillae vīllam pūrgant, cibum coquunt, lānam trahunt.

    The slave-woman prepares the house, cooks dinner, and spins wool.
  • Reprehendit Aurēlia ancillās sī ignāvae sunt.

    Aurelia scolds the slave-women if they are lazy.
  • Servī et ancillae nunc strēnuē labōrant.

    The slaves and slave-women now work strenously