Premier Books - Competition

  • bluechilli - Submit Proposal

    Defines scope of work and deliverables
  • Period: to

    bluechilli - Develop solution

    Create initial version
  • Premier Books - Sign / Confirm Proposal

    Accept Proposal to initiate work
  • Premier Books - Provide FTP credentials

    Enables Google authorisation
  • bluechilli - Submit 1st draft for Testing

    Allows to familiarise with solution
  • Premier Books - Start Testing (1x admin & 2x cluster accounts)

    Verfiy functionality
  • Period: to

    Amend and Finalise Competition

    Refine and finalise competition with input from Premier Books
  • Premier Books - Provide Complete Cluster Listing

    Required to set up all accounts
  • Premier Books - Provide complete files supporting competition

    word, excel files e.g. to show ranking
  • bluechilli - provide manuals and "how to" instructions

    train premier books on usage of solution
  • Premier Books - Provide text for pages

    fill site solution with content
  • GO LIVE of Competition
