
Unit 1 Culminating Timeline Grade 12 Politics: Environmentalism

By ehunter
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution (1730-1850) created more mining, forest clearance and land drainage, however job and economic development ruled. All the natural resoucres seemed unlimited so there was no use to try and conserve to create sustainability. New technologies created more pollution but many people did not think twice about the dangers the pollution might cause.
  • Period: to

    History of Environmentalism

  • Writing envokes governments to protect wilderness

    Writing envokes governments to protect wilderness
    Writing was used as a way to draw attention for the public as to what was going on and what was dangerous, this lead to national parks being created and protected. Henry David Thoreau brought awareness to the harmony between humans and nature. Many writers after Thoreau still write about the environment.
  • Successes of writing

    Successes of writing
    Following in Henry David Thoreau's steps, John Muir successsfully used writing to encourage the American government to protect the wilderness. This lead to a division of beliefs that still continues today; one belief is that the only considerations are economic, the other argues that there are other values to consider such as spiritual.
  • 1900-1950's creates a Growing Awareness.

    1900-1950's creates a Growing Awareness.
    There was more animal extinction due to over hunting and climate change. This was the first real draw of attention to endangered wildlife. Deadly smog episodes in London 1952, 1956, New York 1953 and Los Angeles 1954. These create the perception that an air pollution crisis is going to happen. From this in 1955 the first international air pollution conference was held.
  • "Humans Should extend to nature the same ethical sense of responsibility that we extend to each other."- Aldo Leopold.

    "Humans Should extend to nature the same ethical sense of responsibility that we extend to each other."- Aldo Leopold.
    It is our duty to protect the balance of nature. Aldo Leopold was often regarded as the most influential book writer on conservation; he believed that it is our duty to protect the balance of nature. As well as, "Humans should extend to nature the same ethical sense of responsibility that we extend to each other."
  • More Designated National Parks

    More Designated National Parks
    From writers and environmentalists more concern was dedicated toward the environment. From this more countries were designating large areas to national parks to conserve the environment. In this years Britain designated 10 parks to afford protection from further development. These parks were also used to protect endangered animals from becoming extinct, and raise awareness to their danger.
  • The concern for the environment was put into an organized movement.

    The concern for the environment was put into an organized movement.
    Major milestone of the environmental movement was Rachel Carson's 1962 book "Silent Spring." Humans contaminate the environment and we are at danger. Rachel’s' views were proved correct and the necessity to regulate our behaviour in order to protect the environment became a widley debated notion. From this modern environmentalism was born.
  • Philosophers join the environmental debate.

    Philosophers join the environmental debate.
    Growing interest of many citizens, philosophers joined the debate on what should be done about the environment and how everyone should do it. Some philosophers raised the following; "What's bad for the Earth is bad for us." and, "Do we protect nature for our sake or for its sake?"
  • Environmental pressure groups established.

    Environmental pressure groups established.
    Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace established to flagship campaigns for threatened species. Greenpeace uses non-violent, confrontation to expose global environmental problems and their causes, they challenge government to halt harmful practices by negotiating solutions,introducing clean alternatives, carrying out peaceful acts of civil disobedience and educating and engaging the public. Greenpeace’s goal is to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture life in all its diversity.
  • First Earth Summit 113 nations attended

    First Earth Summit 113 nations attended
    After much debate, a 10-yearly meeting was to be held and discuss environmental issues. This was a primary defing event of international environmentalism, this addresses environmental effects of industrialization and creates an action plan for the next 10 years.
  • Second Earth Summit.

    Second Earth Summit.
    This second Earth Summit was held during the Cold War, the world was distracted due to the war and the meeting was considered ineffective. From this citizens heard about a hole in the ozone layer, and how from our actions and previous generations “we were all going to die from skin cancer..."
  • UN General Assembly created the UN World Commission on Environment and Development.

    UN General Assembly created the UN World Commission on Environment and Development.
    When the UN general assembly created the UN world commission on environment and development “sustainability" became a highly talked about term. This became the decade of awakening and cleanup beginning with the birth of the Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.A), and ending with the Appropriate Community Technology demonstration on the Washington mall. From all of this air pollution was cut back through catalytic converters on new cars.
  • Lack of Landfill space.

    Lack of Landfill space.
    Due to a larger population from the baby boomers, and at a time of no war, people just didn’t care, life was good, and there was no concern for environmental awareness. From this there is a higher cost to throwing away garbage, in taxes, as well as more pollution from all the garbage. There is no room for all the garbage so sometimes the garbage is burned creating smog.
  • Earth Day Created

    Earth Day Created
    After success of the Earth Summit, it was agreed upon that there should be a day in which everyone does their part to protect the environment. This created Earth Day on April 22 1900. In Canada 6 million people join the over 1 billion people celebrating Earth. Environmental Protection Agency was developed by the U.S.A to research and monitor environmental issues and enforce environmental laws.
  • Earth Summit and Warming Planet

    Earth Summit and Warming Planet
    The third Earth Summit brought attention that the planet's environmental problems were said to have been linked to the economy and social justice issues. World leaders agreed to combat global warming by protecting biodiversity and warning citizens to stop using dangerous poisons, as they eventually end up in their bodies. Citizens also found out that global warming was going to be a very discussed topic, and the dangers of it.
  • Fourth Earth Summit

    Fourth Earth Summit
    This year 65,000 politicians, and many NGO's attended. The UN identifies areas that need help; energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity. More developing were at the summit showing more of an interest in protecting the Earth, as well as more environmentalists. A commitment was made to halve the number of people in the world who lack basic sanitation by 2015, and to also half the loss of fish and forest to stocks and to reduce agriculture and energy subsides in the west.
  • U.S.A and Japan discourage the promotion of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power.

    U.S.A and Japan discourage the promotion of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power.
    Following the fourth Earth Summit and identifying areas that need help, U.S.A and Japan discourage the promotion of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power. Many countries however accept that environmental problems are caused by man therefore the environment needs to be protected by us and from us. That doesn’t mean that all the countries were all in agreement of what needs protecting and why.
  • Required signatories to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

    Required signatories to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
    From the Earth Summit in 1992 a promise to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 5% in 2008-2012 was developed. Many people want to reduce their carbon footprint to leave a healthier life in the future. Some developing countries won't commit because of the 'high cost'. The United States wouldn't commit on anything too binding on carbon emissions because they have an economy that rests on oil trade.