The 1930s: The road to war

By fer
  • Period: to

    The 1930s: the road to war

  • wall street crash

    wall street crash
    Is the moment when the americans stop sending money to europe and that cause a great economic crisis in the whole world.
  • Japan invaded manchuria

    Japan invaded manchuria
    Then it faollows the war and japan won it. the league did nothing to stop it
  • Germany depression

    Germany depression
    The economic crisis afected also Germany, the factories low the production as well as the farmers.
  • Progress of the nazis

    Progress of the nazis
    They won 230 seats and become the largest party in the reichstag.
  • Roosevelt was elected

    Roosevelt was elected
    the united states elected him as the president, and his policy become more isolationist.
  • French depression

    French depression
    It was also affected by the crisis in the industry
  • hitler become the chancellor of germany

    hitler become the chancellor of germany
  • Hitler tooks completely power

    Hitler tooks completely power
  • Reichstag fire

    Reichstag fire
    The reichstag building burnt down.Hitler blamed the communists and declared that the fire was the beginning of a communist uprising.
  • The night of the long knives

    The night of the long knives
    On the weekend of 29-30 of june squads of SS men broke down into the homes of Rohm. Hitler accused rohm of plotting to overthrow and murder him. Rohm and possibly many as 400 others were executed.
  • Britain signed a treaty with Germany, about a naval agreement

    Britain signed a treaty with Germany, about a naval agreement
  • italy invaded Abyssina

    italy invaded  Abyssina
  • Hoare- lawal pact

    Hoare- lawal pact
    The british secretary, hoare, had secret talks with laval, the prime minister of france. they decided to devide Abyssina in two.
  • Mossolini made an agreement with Hitler

    Mossolini made an agreement with Hitler
  • They ban the sale of a land petrd to Italy

    They ban the sale of a land petrd to Italy
  • Italy won the war, before the war of oil and petrol had started

    Italy won the war, before the war of oil and petrol had started
  • As the league failed, all the sactions were ended.

    As the league failed, all the sactions were ended.
  • Germany remilitarizizes the rhinrland

    Germany remilitarizizes the rhinrland
  • Germany invaded austria

    Germany invaded austria
  • krystalnacht

    was a series of attacks against the jews. also they destroy jobs, homes, and so on.
  • Hitler invaded czechoslovakia and it was the end of appeasement

    Hitler invaded czechoslovakia and it was the end of appeasement
  • British goverment started that britain would staid by poland in case of war

  • The nazi soviet pact

    The nazi soviet pact
    Stalin made a deal with his enemy
  • Declaration of war

    Declaration of war
  • The munich confrence began

    The munich confrence began
  • German trops marched into the sudetenland

    German trops marched into the sudetenland