Canada's Timeline from the 1918-1939

By matt_
  • Spanish Flu Epidemic

    Spanish Flu Epidemic
    This was a serious disease from 1918s to 1920s. It was something that hit all across the world. This disease happenned right after the first world war. At the time, there was no cure for this deadly disease. The disease would hit the immume system and weaken it. This usually hit young adults.
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  • Winnipeg General Strike

    Winnipeg General Strike
    The strike started at the 15th of May 1919 and ended at June 26 1919. The people that were involved were citizens in Winnipeg that were on strike. They were mostly workers. This happenned almost right after the first world war and was very known all around the world. The workers were on strike because of the poor job conditions and bad labour.
  • League of Indian Nations

    League of  Indian Nations
    F.O Loft formed the league of Indian Nations right after the first world war. The Indians felt they didn't get enough profit as they should of got. This was formed in Ontario. This group was to make the relationship between Canadians and Indians more close. They wanted to get more trapping animals and hunting rights.
  • Prohibition

    The Canadian government forced prohibition to the Canadian citzens. The Canadian government banned alcohol because of medical reasons and social reasons. The men would spend a lot of money on alcohol beverages instead of useful stuff. A lot of couldn't get a job and its bad for a persons' health.
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    The Group Of Seven had 7 artist that painted landscapes. They had a lot of masterpieces sold. The 7 were friends since 1911 but started the group in 1920. The seven artist started drawing write after the first world war. Some people thought the Canadian landscapes were repulsive so the Group of 7 decided to show them with their masterpieces
  • Insulin

    Frederick Banting discovery Insulin as a cure for diabetes. Frederick thought this would cure diabetes. Diabetes was getting worse and worse each year so Frederick Banting was determined to find a cure, he thought Insulin would work. The cure worked.
  • Prime Minister: Mackenzie King

    Prime Minister: Mackenzie King
    William Lyon Mackenzie King was the 10th prime minister of Canada. He is also the longest serving prime minister for Canada. He had 3 terms, 1921, 1926 and 1935. He wanted to make Canada a safer place and have a stronger country.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Also known as the Chinese Immigration Act. This was a battle between the Canadian government and the Chinese immigratants. All the countries were restricted in a way but only the Chinese would be prohibited from immigrating. They restricted the Chinese because they thought they would take all the opportunities away from the Canadians. Such as jobs.
  • Person's Case

    Person's Case
    There was a group of women called the Famous Five. There five courageous women in the group that made women a "person". Women were not "person", so that meant they were not allowed to vote and have rights. They told the British Privy Council to explain the definition of person to the Canadian government.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    In the United States, New York, the New York Stock Exchange investers crashed down. A lot of unwise people spent a bunch of money on it. And then it crashed. The stock was valued higher than what they were worth so it crashed and everyone was shocked. They lost their money.
  • 5 cents Speech

    5 cents Speech
    Mackenzie king made a speech about Black Tuesday. He said it was also their fault, everyone was responsible for the tragedy. Mackenzie King also said that he will try as best he could to help Canadians get back there money.
  • Prime Minister: R.B. Bennett

    Prime Minister: R.B. Bennett
    R.B Bennett was a millionair prime minister and also a lawyer. He was elected right after Mackenzie King, the 10th prime minister. He was elected to help through the great depression of the money running low. He decided to trade goods with the Birtish Empire
  • Statute of Westminster

    Statute of Westminster
    There was a Birtish law approved. It was passed to Great Britain. What they did was, make sure that colonies and powers of Canadian Parliament were organized by their own law.
  • On to Ottawa Trek

    On to Ottawa Trek
    1500 residents from the unemployment relief camps in BC became on strike and complained about the lack payments for welfare. They went to the Parliament buildings and discussed about how hard it was to live in the camps.
  • Canadian Broadcast Company

    Canadian Broadcast Company
    Canadian Broadcast Company also known as CBC is a radio and television update on anything important. CBC is very well known all over Canada. They talk about the national news, important alerts.