
1930s: the road to the war

  • "Wall Street Crash"

    "Wall Street Crash"
    Money from the U.S.A, stoped flowing, bringing another economic crisis in Germany. This favoured the rise of Hitler as the Weimar Republic lost popularity. After the depresion, the U.S.A, became more isolacionast.
  • Nazis won 107 sits in Reichestag

    Nazis won 107 sits in Reichestag
    Nazis became more popular, as a result of the crisis in the Weimar Republic.
  • Japan attacks Manchuria

    Japan attacks Manchuria
    This event put in evidence the ineficience of the League of Nations.
  • Hitler becames a chancellor

    Hitler becames a chancellor
    Hitler was now in a powerfu position in the german government.
  • Hitler ordered "rearmament"

    Hitler ordered "rearmament"
    Hitler ignored the "Treaty of Versalles" for the first time, rebuilding Genrmany's army.
  • "Reichstag Fire"

    "Reichstag Fire"
    Nazis used this as evidence of comunists plotting against government.
  • "Hitler took complete control"

    "Hitler took complete control"
    The democracy comes to an end by the "Enabling Law", which meant that Hitler could decide whether creating a law or rejecting it, without the participation of the Reichstag. He became a dictator.
  • Hitler Withdrew Germany from the "League of nations" and from the Desarmament Conference.

    Hitler Withdrew Germany from the "League of nations" and from the Desarmament Conference.
    When Hitler did this, he pleased the people as the League of Nations followed the terms of the Treaty of Versalles, which was unfair for the germans.
  • "Night of the long knives"

    "Night of the long knives"
    S.A was replaced by the S.S
  • Mussolini agreed to work with Hitler

    Mussolini agreed to work with Hitler
    Hitler gained support from Italy, and later, when Mussolini died, Italy becamed complitely Nazi.
  • League of Nations failed again

    League of Nations failed again
    All the sanctions against Italy, because of the conquest of Abyssinia, were ended.
  • "March on the Rhineland"

    "March on the Rhineland"
    Hitler ordered the remilitarization of the Rhineland, militarized by the french army, through the Treaty of Versalles. This event was ignored by the western powers, which implemented the "Appeasement".
  • Hitler takes over Austria

    Hitler takes over Austria
    Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versaller again, and which banned the union of Germany and Austria, also known as the "Anschluss". The western powers kept applying their poicy of appeasement because they had not recovered from the economic crisis.
  • Munich conference

    Munich conference
    Britain and France agreed that it was fair for germany to anex the Sudetenland, with the condition of not invading the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler takes the Sudetenland.

    Hitler takes the Sudetenland.
    At this point, Hitler wasn't braking any rules, as it was agreed with the western powers.
  • "Kristallnacht"

    The S.A boke into jewish shops, synagogues and institutions, and took the jews to the concentration camps.
  • Hitler takes Czechoslovakia

    Hitler takes Czechoslovakia
    This marked the end of "Appeasement", that was a policy aplied by the western powers, which consisted of satisfying Hitler's territorial demands, in order to postpone the outbrake of the war.Western powers' patience was over, as Hitler broke the promisse made in the Munich Conferece. (not invading Czechoslovakia)
  • "Ultimatum"

    Britain stands by Poland in case of war and to stop Hitler.
  • "Nazi-Soviet Pact"

    "Nazi-Soviet Pact"
    Russia was a "histerical girl", which had an offer from tow gentlemen: Western powers and Germany. Western powers ofered collective security, and Germany offered security and territory. At some point, the choice was obvious.
  • "Invasion of Poland"

    "Invasion of Poland"
    Hitler invades poland with Stalin's help. This led to the delcaration of war from the western powers.
  • Acceptance of the declaration of war

    Acceptance of the declaration of war
    This marked the beginning of "WW II", with the possitioning of troops. This period was known as the "Phny war", as there was no actual shooting. It started in 1941.