benckmark 3 2nd industrial revolustion

  • steel ---> Bessemer Process

    this method could produce more steel in one day than the older techniques could turn out in one week.
  • light bulb/ electricity --> Edison

    thomas edison and his team made contributions by finding a filament tthat would light up without burning up.
  • oil --> EdwinL. Drake

    this man used a steam engine to drill for oil near Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859
  • pacific railway act

    gave lands to railroad companies to develop a railroad line linking East and West coasts.
  • homestead acts

    permitted "any citizen or intended citizen to select any surbeyed land up to 160 acres and to gain title to it after five years' residence"
  • transportation --> railroads

    the countries first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869.
  • communication --> telegraph/ telephone

    the TELEGRAPH was used to communicate over wires with electricity. the TELEPHONE was patented by alexander graham bell.