Chapter 8

  • Thomas Jefferson was elected

    Adams appointed the midnight judges.
    TJ removed them
  • Period: to

    Chapter 8

    TJ Presidency
  • Midnight Appointees

    Adams appoints Feds in the Court to make sure that the Feds stay in power
  • Judiciary Act Repealed

    TJ removed the midnight judges appointed.
  • Louisianna Purchase

    Lewis and Clark explore the new territory
  • Marbury VS Madison

    This case established Judicial Review in the Surpreme Court
  • Aaron Burr Kills Alexander Hamilton

    Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel due to the fact that they were political enemies and Hamilton kept writing bad things about him. So he shot him.
  • Barbary States

    War that part of the Marines Hymn comes from. Was the Nation's first hostage crisis. Pirates took merchant marine ships.
  • Napolean's Army

    Napoleon crushed British forces
  • Burr is tried for consperacy

    He used the military and tried to get the western states to suceed from the union
  • Embargo Act Passed

    Peaceable Coercion
    Jefferson wanteed to stop trading with France and Britain as a means of a political weapon without going to war.
  • Madison is elected

  • Slave trade is no more!

    Slave trade ended
  • Yazoo Controversy

    Georgian Govt was corrupt and officials son land to private companies. Jefferson wanted teh gov to clean up the mess
  • War hawks

    They wanted to go to war against Britain. The group included Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. The urged Madison to go to war.
  • Delcaring War against Britian

  • Treaty of Ghent

    Ended the War
  • Battle of Put-In-Bay

    Oliver Perry destroys the British
  • Burning DC

    British Marines burn DC
  • Hartford Convention

    Met to recommend constitutional changes.
    It was the demise of the Federalists.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Jackson demolishes the British at New Orleans