History of Farming

By mangler
  • 500

    First Nations

    First Nations settled across Canada within this time frame, in Saskatchewan they were the first to process animals and plants for food. The men started out following livestock movement and the women stayed home hunting and gathering.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1000

    500 BCE -1000 CE

    The beginning of First Nations in Saskatchewan.
  • Trading Posts

    Trading posts in this time didn't disrupt the Native way of life, they continued their agriculture life. Metis people worked as guides.
  • Period: to

    Immigration to Saskatchewan

    Immagrants started arriving in Saskatchewan to homestead at the end of the 19th Century and beginning of the 20th Century. The farming style changed, they broke up the land and started planting crops.
  • Treaties

    Treaties were being signed and First Nations were finding out what land was theirs, also recieving help with farming.
  • New Technology

    The Oliver Plow made breaking the land easier, it broke through the sod leaving less work for the farmers. Grain elevators were invented for storage and binders were made to cut and tie grain in harvest.
  • Period: to


    Crop production and equipment upgrades.
  • Livestock

    By the beginning of the 1900's there were 115,000 head of cattle in the Southern prairies. The main industries are: beef, pork, goats, sheep and bison.
  • Wheat Production

    Saskatchewan produced over half of the wheat in Canada with an excess of 240,000,000 bushels.
  • Dirty 30's

    From 1928 till the late 1930's drought hit the prairies along with the depression. Everyone suffered, new ideas like soil conservation and crop rotation were a few.
  • Disease and Pests

    New diseases were starting, these started happening throughout the years afterward. Tuberculosis threatened cattle, chronic wasting disease affects deer and elk, mad cow disease in cattle and scrapie in sheep. The poultry industry was also hit by a disease called Pullorum.
  • Oil Seeds

    Research on flax, canola, mustard and sunflowers started. Oil seed production has since flourished.
  • Organic

    Organic farming has started so less chemicals and pesticides are exposed to the environment and our foods.