Us fr flags


  • Period: to

    Thomas Hobbes

    believed that the government should be based on facts Believed that roligion should be seperated from politics
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    Johne Locke

    Believed that all people were born good and were given natural rights
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    Baron de Montesquieu

    The government should be broken in to different sections and that each should have some power seperation of power
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
  • Period: to


    felt that things should be explained logically and peasonibly fought against intolerance tyranny and superstion
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    Ben Franklin

    Slavery should be abolished cause it was wrong legislator advisory board that would work for government and no pay
  • Period: to

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Against absolute power he believed in individulism people should have pwer or a sayin
  • Period: to

    Adam smith

    self interest guides the most effecient use of resources
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    Father Hildalgo

    he had urged people to fight for mexican independence als he had questioned his own church
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    Cesare Beccaria

    DIdnt believe in cruel and unusual punishment fair and speedy trials same crime same punishments
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    Education for all majority of people make good choices government should have too much power
  • Period: to

    Mary Wollstonecraft

    believed people should bebased on individual moral virtue not gender
  • tarring and feathering

    tarring and feathering
    tarring and feathering was really used in the American colonies they used it againist the british officals and loyalisth
  • seven years war peace treaty between Great Britain and France

    seven years war peace treaty between Great Britain and France
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    Repeal of Stamp Act
  • Townsend Act

    Townsend Act
  • Riots in Boston met with violence by British troops

    Riots in Boston met with violence by British troops
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by British regulars on March 5, 1770
  • The boston Tea Party

    The boston Tea Party
    The Sons of Liberty had went on to a boat and dumped 70% of tea in to the boston harbor
  • The Gaspee incident

    The Gaspee incident
    The Gaspee was chasing a ship that was thought to be smuggling later that night jonh brown and some men went aboard and burned the ship.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    The Committees of Correspondence was formed by colonist
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
  • The Intolerable or Coercive Acts

    The colonies were pressed with more taxs
  • the quebec act

    the quebec act
  • Period: to

    american revolution

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
  • American and French representatives sign two treaties in Paris: a Treaty of Amity and Commerce and a Treaty of Alliance

    American and French representatives sign two treaties in Paris: a Treaty of Amity and Commerce and a Treaty of Alliance
  • Period: to

    Simon Bolivar

    believed in a strong central government
  • Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America

    Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America
  • Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America

    Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America
  • Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America

    Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America
  • S(and torming of the Bastille, prison armory) in Paris

     S(and torming of the Bastille, prison armory) in Paris
  • beheading of king louis XVI

    beheading of king louis XVI
  • 1791 U.S. Bill of rights ratified

    1791 U.S. Bill of rights ratified
  • Period: to

    french revolution

  • Period: to

    hati revolution

  • French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue

    French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue
  • france declares war on austria

    france declares war on austria
  • France declares war on Britian

    France declares war on Britian
  • All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British

    All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British
  • Toussaint leads troops against the British

    Toussaint leads troops against the British
  • French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint

    French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint
  • War ends between Great Britain and France

    War ends between Great Britain and France
  • Constitution for Haiti

    Constitution for Haiti
  • General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery

    General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery
  • New declaration of war between Great Britain and France

     New declaration of war between Great Britain and France
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
  • ean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Haiti

    ean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Haiti
  • British end the slave trade

    British end the slave trade
  • Declarations of self-government in most Latin American colonie

    Declarations of self-government in most Latin American colonie
  • French expelled from Spain

    French expelled from Spain
  • Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone

    Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone
  • French abolish slave trade

    French abolish slave trade
  • U.S. President Monroe declares doctrine against European interference with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine. (US)

    U.S. President Monroe declares doctrine against European interference with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine. (US)