trammell.LeBron James

  • LeBron James was born

    The KING, LeBron James was born December 30, 1984.
  • 1 challenge that Lebron faced

    One challenge LeBron James faced is, Lebron's mom could not keep a job and life was very hard.
  • LeBron James father died

    LeBron James father died
    Another challenge that LeBron has facedmis, his died died at a very young and and LeBron james had to grow up wwithout a father.
  • The Simpsons

    The Simpsons
    The Simpsons were created in the 1990's.
  • LeBrons Freshman year he took his team to the division 3 championship

    LeBron James took his team to the division 3 championship. Him and his team went 27-0.
  • Last Significant person

    Last Significant person
    The last significant is Romeo Travis, because he was like a brother to LeBron James
  • Singinficant Person

    Coach Joce was a significant person in LeBrons life because he was like a father to LeBron.
  • Another Significant Person

    Last Significant person is Sian Cotton, the were teammates in their freshman year if basketball.
  • George Bush became president

    Goerge Bush became president in the year of 2000 , and when 9/11 happened he didnt do anything about it.
  • LeBron James was Drafted to Cleveland Caviliers

    LeBron James was Drafted to Cleveland Caviliers
    The king, Lebron james was drafted to the Cleveland Cavaliers in the season of 2002-2003. He was the first round pick right out of high school.
  • Date In History

    9/11 happened the year of 2002 when LeBron james was getting drafted.
  • Interesting fact

    Interesting fact
    LeBron James said this: 'basketball is my life and if i told you something different, i would be lying'.