Parker's Birthday TimeLine

  • Parker's 1st Birthday

    Parker's 1st Birthday
  • Parker's 2nd Birthday

  • Parker's 3rd Birthday

  • Parker became a Big Brother

    Parker became a Big Brother
    I was very, very , very happy to have a little sister. She is very cute.
  • Parker's 4th Birthday

    Parker's 4th Birthday
    This was a fun Birthday Party at the Park. We did a Dino Dig for Dinosaur fossils and toys.
  • Parker's 5th Birthday

    Parker's 5th Birthday
  • Parker's Pre-K Graduation

    Parker's Pre-K Graduation
    This is my Pre-K graduation. I did not like wearing the hat and gown.
  • Parker's 6th Birthday

    Parker's 6th Birthday
    I had a cool shark cake at my Birthday Party. It was at my Grandma and Grandpa's pool.
  • Parker receives Soaring Eagle Award

    Parker receives Soaring Eagle Award
    My mom and dad were very proud of me for getting the Soaring Eagle Award. I felt very happy.
  • Parker goes Skiing at Sugar Mountain

    Parker goes Skiing at Sugar Mountain
    Skiing in the snow is a lot of fun. I really liked tubing the best.
  • Parker's 7th Birthday

    Parker's 7th Birthday
    This was my first sleep over Birthday Party. We played WII and watched movies.
  • Swim Champion Banquet

    Swim Champion Banquet
    I won my heat and got a first place ribbon. I was very happy.