
AW & SS Spain holidays

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    Moros y Cristianos

    This festival occurs on the Spanish coast. It commerates the Battle of Alcoy. The Battle of Alcoy was a fight between the Arabs and the Christians. It is mainly celebrated by the Christian people that live along the coast. Armies march all day.
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    La feril de abril

    People come and celebrate from all over. There are women in flamenco dresses dancing. It is an April Fair there is a lot of traditional music and dance. It happens in Seville, Spain. It officially begins at midnight on May 3rd this year. The dates change every year. It began as a cattle trading fair in 1847.
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    Castellers de Vilafranca

    Castellers de Vilafranca is a human tower building festival to show important values like cooperation, teamwork and desire to win. It happens throughout summer. The festival is in Catalonia, Spain. It is an association founded in 1978. Now about 400 people particpate in this event.