Cat and mouse orange

A Cat and Mouse Game

  • Mouse 2.0: Multi-touch Meets the Mouse

    Mouse 2.0: Multi-touch Meets the Mouse
    UIST’09, October 4–7, 2009, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada ABSTRACT: In this paper we present novel input devices that combine the standard capabilities of a computer mouse with multitouch sensing. Our goal is to enrich traditional pointerbased desktop interactions with touch and gestures. To chart the design space, we present five different multitouch mouse implementations. Each explores a different touch sensing strategy, which leads to differing formfactors and hence interactive possibili
  • LensMouse: Augmenting the Mouse with an Interactive Touch Display

    LensMouse: Augmenting the Mouse with an Interactive Touch Display
    CHI 2010, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA We introduce LensMouse, a novel device that embeds a touch-screen display – or tangible ‘lens’ – onto a mouse. Users interact with the display of the mouse using direct touch, whilst also performing regular cursor-based mouse interactions. We demonstrate some of the unique capabilities of such a device, in particular for interacting with auxiliary windows, such as toolbars, palettes, pop-ups and dialog-boxes. By migrating these windows onto Lens
  • Design and Evaluation of Interaction Models for Multi-touch Mice

    Design and Evaluation of Interaction Models for Multi-touch Mice
    Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Information Processing Society Adding multi-touch sensing to the surface of a mouse has the potential to substantially increase the number of interactions available to the user. However, harnessing this increased bandwidth is challenging, since the user must perform multi-touch interactions while holding the device and using it as a regular mouse. In this paper we describe the design challenges and formalize the design spa
  • IE/EDSGN 597d Begins

    IE/EDSGN 597d Begins
    Course HomepageThis course provides an integrative perspective on the types of techniques that can be used to analyze existing products and develop learn both qualitative and quantitative methods to measure user interactions and apply innovative principles to develop creative design ideas for future products. The material will be presented through a variety of hands-on activities including a semester long design project.
  • Stakeholder Meeting

    Stakeholder Meeting
    Meeting with Sarah of Microsoft Hardware
  • Project Proposal

    Project Proposal
    Report and Presentation