A normal week in my life!

By fayekkk
  • Sunday!

    On Sundays I go to school, and I usually have friends over or go to friends on Sunday. On day 1 at school there is not anything that special.
  • Monday!

    On Mondays I practise on my piano and watch a bit of tv (tv day), and on day 2 in school we have assembly.
  • Tuesday!

    On Tuesdays I have figure skating classes after school, on day 3 at school my class has PE!
  • Wednesday!

    On Wednesdays I also have figure skating lessons at Dubai Mall and on day 4 in school my class has Library!
  • Thursdays!

    On Thursdays ITS A WEEKEND! So I meet up with friends on Thursdays - Fridays. I also have topractise piano again and than I wait until Friday.
  • Friday!

    On Fridays in my family we have a nice, big breakfast
    (unlike other school days) Afterwards my dad takes me to my piano lesson and when we come back home with food for everyone, we all eat and then go out as a family! :D
  • Saturday!

    On Saturdays my sister Yasmine, my mum and I go to my skating lesson in the morning, on the way there we have a muffin or something like that. We first do gym, then we have our lunch and then we go skate. After that we go home and get ready for school the next day! :D
  • Sunday!

    It's Sunday again, except at school it's day 6! we have 6 days at school, on day 6 we have PE again like day 3.