Abraham lincoln november 1863

Abraham Lincoln

  • Birthdate

    Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in 1809 near Hodgenville, Kentucky. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Lincoln.
  • His Mother Dies

    Abraham was 9 years old when his mother passed away. It was very lonely in the cabin until Abraham's father married again in 1819. Abraham grew to love his stepmother,
    Sarah Johnston Lincoln.
  • First Speech

    Lincoln makes his first public speech against slavery
  • Married Mary Todd

    Lincoln met Mary Todd, a lively girl from Kentucky. They were married in November of 1842 when Lincoln was 33 years old.
  • Civil War Begins

    Lincoln's Union army fought the Southern Confederate armies. Many soldiers were hurt and killed in the battles. One such battle was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Oath

    It was a difficult time to be president. Many Southern states who did not agree with Lincoln about slavery seceded, or declared that they were not a part of the United States.