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Absolutism in Eastern Europe - IIlustrated Time Line :)

  • - End of Ivan's dynasty -

    - End of Ivan's dynasty -
    The period of anarchy, Time of Troubles, occured following this event. This period ended when the Zemsky Sobor chose Michael Romanov as the new czar in 1613.
    * ( Mrs.Ford, the only date given in the article is 1598, so the date I have entered is incorrect because of the information that I did not receive.)
  • - Michael Romanov -

    - Michael Romanov -
    The national assembly chose Michael Romanov as the new czar.
  • - Peter the Great -

    - Peter the Great -
    Peter the Great became czar. Peter was an absolutist monarch who claimed the divine right to rule.
  • - Peter began the contruction of a new city -

    - Peter began the contruction of a new city -
    Peter began the construction of a new city which is called St. Petersburg. He finished this construction during his lifetime and it remained the Russian capital until 1918.
  • - Peter's death -

    - Peter's death -
    In 1725, Peter passed away. Peter made it possible for Russia to have great military power.Russia was an important European state by the time of his death.
  • - Romanov dynasty ended -

    - Romanov dynasty ended -
    The Romanov dynasty lasted until 1917.The Romanov dynasty was an absolute monarch who claimed the divine right to rule.