Across Five Aprils

  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    Dividing line of free and slave states, any new states below will be slave, and any above free.
  • Comprimise Of 1850

    Fugative slave law changed in order to keep the balence when the Slave Trade law was removed.
  • Fugative Slave Law

    Fugative Slave Law
    All slaves will be returned to their owners even if found in a free state
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Says that Kansas and Nebraska will determin if they are slave of free states by popular vote, violating the Missouri Comprimise.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Series of deaths and violence caused by the anti slaves person John Brown and pro slave groups
  • Douglas - Lincoln Debates

    Debate between two men running for IL senete, one pro slavery one anti slavery, important because it gets Lincolns name known
  • Harpers Ferry

    Harpers Ferry
    John Brown attempts to arm slaves by steeling an arsenal at Harpers Ferry, but fails.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    A supreme Court decision that essentially means slaves are property not people
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Licoln wins the the election and North Carolina gets upset and secedes. This causes a federal boundry issue.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The surrenderes near Charleston, shortly after Decoration of Secession
  • Bull Run 1

    Bull Run 1
    First battle of the war. The Cnfederated win stunning the Nort. The people realize this is not a afternoon TV show, its serious and bad.
  • Ft. Donelson

    Union captures Confederat fort near the Tennesse and Kentucky border, opening up the Cumberland River so the North could use it to their advantage.
  • Battle of Pea Ridge

    Confederates move to upper Arkansas, in an attempt to capture Arkansas and Missuri, led by Samuel Curtis
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Also known as Pittsburge Landing, major battle in Tennesee, Confederates try to regain Tennesee but fail.
  • Bull Run 2

    Popes army fights Jacksons, lots of casualties on both sides resulting in a stalemate.
  • Frederickson

    Battle fought in Virgina between Robert Leigh and Confederates,
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Lincoln decalsred in the proclamation "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." bringing hope to the slaves.
  • Gettysburg

    Largest battle of the CIvil war Fought in SOuthern Pennslyvania. Turning point in the war because the north wins bringing up spirits and proving the Northern abilities
  • Antietam

    one of bloodiest day in the was history ended in a tie, but the Confederate retreat gave Abraham Lincoln the end result he wanted.
  • Theory of Total War

    A theory that to win you must destroy all civilization to cut off resources and kill everything so there is no coming back.
  • Vicksburg

    Vicksburg surrendered after long seige attempts. This devides the Confederates.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Union army marches afterShermans gone. Atlanta is burned, cutting off a major Southern Hub, signifaicantly damadging the South
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolished slavery, raising black hopes,
  • Apprmattox Courthouse

    One of the last battles of the Civil war, showing that the North is going to win.
  • Assassination & Death of Lincoln

    John Booth shoots Lincoln in a theater, Lincoln is taken to the house across the street and dies the next morning