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Activity Six - My Life

  • Birth

    I was born August 22, 1992. This began the course of my life.
  • The Big Move

    The Big Move
    In 2002, I moved from my beloved neighborhood full of children to a new neighborhood on the other side of town. My mom and dad house searched for months, because they were ready to move out of the conduminum-type housing. This started a few chain events - I moved school zones, and I lost touch with a lot of childhood friends. Interestingly, the condo we lived in is now being used for housing for Christopher Newport University students. I visited a few years ago, and hasn't changed a bit.
  • Parents Divorce

    Parents Divorce
    My mom and dad divorced when I was 11. I remember thinking it was for the best, and luckily, my parents remained friends. This event brought me so close to my paternal grandmother, who is still my rock. My mother eventually remarried, and her husband is an amazing step-father and father to my little sisters.
  • Virginia Living Museum

    I started volunteering at the VLM my senior year of high school. I really thought I wanted to be some sort of marine biologist. Volunteering forced me to do a lot of researching into the field, and I decided that maybe I wanted to do something that didn't involve animals...at all. I started applying to colleges with hopes of entering med school and studying neuroscience.
  • Meeting Jared

    Meeting Jared
    I met my current boyfriend, Jared, in 2009. We started dating before I left for college, and he helped me by supporting me through the many changes to come, and continues to do so.
  • George Mason University

    George Mason University
    I left for GMU in August of 2010. I was freshly 18 and exciting to be studying neuroscience. I had an amazing support system and four years at this amazing university ahead of me. I joined a sorority, started working and tried to stay involved on campus.
  • Career Path 180

    Career Path 180
    It didn't take me long to decide that neuroscience was NOT my calling. Half-way through Cell Structure and Function (bio 231, I believe), I realized that I wanted nothing to do with this sort of field. Within my sorority, I started working with young girls in section 8 housing. My parents were also going through their first adoption. I decided that social work was where my heart was.
  • Alternative House

    I spent my senior year interning at the Alternative House, right outside of DC. This place absolutely CHANGED my life. I worked with youth, ages 13-17, who came to the shelter. The reasons varied - unstable home, abuse, homelessness. I was able to lead group counseling courses and eventually individual sessions. I knew I'd always wanted to work in the school system, but I thought I wanted to be a social worker. Maybe counseling would suit what I wanted better?
  • MSW Denial

    MSW Denial
    I received a denial letter from VCU, where I'd hoped to earn my MSW. I applied early in my senior year, before I'd considered going into the counseling field. When I wasn't disappointed by the denial, I knew that I was making the right decision. Again, I was lucky to have the support of my friends and family, as well as the staff at my internship. Upon graduation, I was offered a job as a full-time counselor. Unfortunately, I was unable to take the job, as it was located so far away from home.
  • Old Dominion University

    I started at ODU working towards my MSEd in Counseling in January 2015. I have already learned so much about myself, and I have peace about my path. I have decided to take the school counseling track, and I am so excited to see where it lead me.