
Age of exploration Timeline

  • 1488

    Bartholomu Dias rounded Africas Cape Cod of Good Hope

    Bartholomu Dias rounded Africas Cape Cod of Good Hope
    in 1488, Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias (c. 1450-1500) became the first European mariner to round the southern tip of Africa, opening the way for a sea route from Europe to Asia.
  • 1492

    Columbus sailed out of a spanish port and sailed towards the New World.

    Columbus sailed out of a spanish port and sailed towards the New World.
    From the Spanish port of Palos, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sets sail. Columbus set sail from Spain in three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria It's important because it starts his journey to discover America or a New Land. To remember the date use "in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue" (blue and 2 rhyme).
  • Oct 3, 1492

    Columbus reaches the Americas.

    Columbus reaches the Americas.
    Columbus never set foot in North America. During four separate trips that started with the one in 1492, Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas.
  • 1493

    Columbus returned to Spain from his first voyage

    Columbus returned to Spain from his first voyage
    Christopher Columbus departed on his first voyage from the port of Palos. His crew came from towns such as Lepe and Moguer. Columbus went to the Canary Islands, the island of Gomera, and Hierro, he discovered San Salvador, which the natives called Guanahani. It's important because that was Englands discovery of the Bahamas. And increased England's​ wealth by stealing gold.
  • Jul 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Treaty of Tordesillas, (June 7, 1494), an agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyageRs.
  • 1497

    Vasco da Gama, Explore Africa until he reached India.

    Vasco da Gama, Explore Africa until he reached India.
    Vasco da Gama a Portuguese nobleman sailed from Lisbon in 1497 on a mission to reach India and open a sea route from Europe to the East.
  • Period: May 30, 1498 to Jun 19, 1500

    Columbus' third voyage

    Columbus left the port of Sanlucar in southern Spain on May 30, 1498 with six ships, bound for the New World on his third voyage. After stopping at the islands of Porto Santo and Madeira, the fleet arrived at Gomera in the Canary Islands on June 19.
  • 1499

    John cabot and amerigo vespucci explore the Americas.

    John cabot and amerigo vespucci explore the Americas.
    Vespucci sailed to the northern part of South America and into the Amazon River. He gave places he saw names like the "Gulf of Ganges," thinking he was in Asia. Like Columbus, he was confused and ended up in America instead of Asia. It's​ important that happened since it provided proof that the world was round.
  • 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci traveled along the east coast of South America. He said what

    Amerigo Vespucci traveled along the east coast of South America. He said what
    On the 1499 voyage, Vespucci sailed to the northern part of South America and into the Amazon River. He gave places he saw names like the "Gulf of Ganges," thinking, as his explorer contemporaries did, that he was in Asia.
  • 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa reached the south sea

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa reached the south sea
    The 16th-century Spanish conquistador and explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475-1519) helped establish the first stable settlement on the South American continent at Darién, on the coast of the Isthmus of Panama. In 1513, while leading an expedition in search of gold, he sighted the Pacific Ocean.
  • 1519

    Spanish conquest of Mexico begins

    Spanish conquest of Mexico begins
    Hernán Cortés, led an expedition to Mexico, landing in February 1519. The Spanish colonization of Cuba in 1519, a small army led by Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) conquered Mexico from the Aztecs. It's important because it changes the leadership of Mexico and enlarges Spain's​ territory. It started in 1519 being conquered​ in1521.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes landed on the shores of Mexico.

    Hernan Cortes landed on the shores of Mexico.
    Hernan Cortés invaded Mexico in 1519 and conquered the Aztec Empire. He claims Mexico for Spain with an army of 500 men and 11 ships.
  • Period: May 11, 1520 to 1504

    Columbus fourth Voyage

    This was Columbus last journey to the new world. He had four ships, and his mission was to explore uncharted areas to the west of the Caribbean, hopefully finding a passage west to the Orient. Columbus did explore parts of southern Central America, but his ships, damaged by a hurricane and termite Columbus and his men were stranded on Jamaica for about a year before being rescued.
  • Nov 28, 1520

    Megalin sails into pacific ocean

    Megalin sails into pacific ocean
    Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan enters the Pacific Ocean with three ships, becoming the first European explorer to reach the Pacific from the Atlantic. He sailed through dangerous straits below South America that are now named after him. It's important that these straits got names. It's​ also important because it was the discovery of another ocean.
  • 1532

    Pizarro discovered Peru

    Pizarro discovered Peru
    In 1513, he joined Vasco Núñez de Balboa in his march to the "South Sea," during which Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean. In 1532, Pizarro and his brothers conquered Peru.
  • Roanoke was founded

    Roanoke was founded
    The Roanoke Island colony, the first English settlement in the New World, was founded by English explorer Sir Walter Raleigh in August 1585
  • First dutch fleet arrived in India

    First dutch fleet arrived in India
    Jacob van Neck leads a fleet of 8 ships to India. The ships returned to Europe in 1599 and 1600 and the expedition made a 400 percent profit. He was the first Dutch explorer to discover the indies. It's important because it gave Europe spices. It also was the discovery of another place.
  • Dutch Explorers explore Australia

    Dutch Explorers explore Australia
    The Dutch East India Company ship, Duyfken, led by Willem Janszoon, made the first documented European landing in Australia in 1606.
  • Jamestown in Virginia is established by the English.

    Jamestown in Virginia is established by the English.
    May 14, 1607
    104 England explores sail to the new land they call Virginia. They call it Virginia after Elizabeth the 1st, the Virgin Queen.
  • First slaves from Africa to America.

    First slaves from Africa to America.
    Dutch traders brought African slaves taken from a Spanish ship to Jamestown. The first kidnapped Africans in English North America were classed as indentured servants and freed after seven years. Its important because this interaction leads to years of conflict and war.
  • Plymouth was founded

    Plymouth was founded
    Plymouth Colony First colonial settlement in New England (founded 1620). The settlers were a group of about 100 Puritan Separatist Pilgrims, who sailed on the Mayflower and settled on what is now Cape Cod bay, Massachusetts.
  • english found massachusetts bay civilization.

    english found massachusetts bay civilization.
    Massachusetts Bay Colony, one of the original English settlements in present-day Massachusetts, settled in 1630 by a group of about 1,000 Puritan refugees from England under Gov. John Winthrop and Deputy Gov. Thomas Dudley.
  • La Salle Explores the lower Mississippi River

    La Salle Explores the lower Mississippi River
    In 1682, French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle journeyed down the Mississippi River in search of a water route to the Gulf of Mexico