American History 1800-1876

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    The War of 1812

    Overall, the War of 1812 stemmed from earlier conflicts in American history. One being neutral trading with the Anglo-French, and the other being deep conflict with Britain. With the rise British naval troops impressing American men, and the providing of weapons to Natives, the British were once again begging to test their boundries. Not willing to let that happen, America fought retaliated and eventually won the war with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    With the Missouri Compromise of 1820, states began to split into "slave states" and "free states".
  • Eerie Canal

    The Eerie Canal was completed in New York in 1825, The canal served as faster transport for goods from the Great Lakes and Ohio River, which aided in economic development.
  • Railroads

    The first long-distance railway opened in Maryland in the year 1827. This railway also assisted in fasted travel for goods which aided in trade and economic growth within America.
  • Jackson

    Andrew Jackson took office as president.
  • Communications

    Starting in 1843, the communications revolution began to take off. Samuel Morse convinced Congress to support telegraph systems that would aid in communications, specifically during war time.
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    The Confederacy

    By 1861, most of the states in the deep south had succeeded from the Union to become a separate nation. These states included: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.
  • Lincoln Acquires the Presidency

    After a chaotic election during a time of pure division, Abraham Lincoln was elected president.
  • Fort Sumter

    Even though the Union and Confederacy had split, war had not yet begun. However, when a fort with Union soldiers awaiting supplies was attacked by General P. G. T. Beauregard, President Lincoln called for action and troops in retaliation. This was the first act of war between the Union and Confederacy.