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American History

  • The Seneca Falls Declaration

    The Seneca Falls Declaration
    This outlined the women’s right movement of the mid-19th century. the document was modeled after the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Freedman’s Bureau

    The Freedman’s Bureau
    Transition from slavery to freedom and social reconstruction in the South. It pushed for employment opportunities for both Blacks and Whites.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    While watching a play at Ford’s Theatre with his wife, Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head by actor John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was the first President of the United States to be assassinated.
  • Alaska

    The United States agreed to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars. A check for $7,200,000,000 was issued on August 1,1868.
  • Johnson’s impeachment

    Johnson’s impeachment
    Johnson was nearly removed from the office. The result of political conflict and ideologies. Republicans held more seats than two thirds majority required to remove Johnson from office.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad
    This was the first railroad stretched from the east coast of the United States to the West coast. This was one of the biggest railroad ever. It made traveling way easier for everybody.
  • Rockefeller Oil business

    Rockefeller Oil business
    John D. Rockefeller’s created a oil company that incorporated in Ohio. This business has been active in the oil business since 1863. The standard oil was first formed as a partnership in 1868.
  • Enforcement Acts

    Enforcement Acts
    The act was passed by Congress. It was signed into law by president Ulysses S. Grant. It prohibited discrimination by state officials in voter registration by state officials.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    It was the most famous Army-Indian battle in America history. It also marked the high-water mark of the Plains Indian warriors who were fighting to keep their lands.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This act was the first significant law restricting immigration into the United States. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Chester A. Arthur.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge

    The Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn bridge over the East River opened, connecting the great cities of New York and Brooklyn for the first time in history.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    President Grover Cleveland officially dedicated the Statue of Liberty in front of thousands of spectators.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    This authorized the federal government to break up tribal lands by partitioning them into individual plots.
  • Oklahoma land rush

    Oklahoma land rush
    Also known as the “Indian rush” . It was the first land run onto unassigned lands. This event came right after the Dawes Act. Over 50,000 white settlers participated in this rush.
  • Ellis Island opens

    Ellis Island opens
    The Ellis Island opened as an immigration station. 100 million Americans can trace Ancestry to Ellis Island. Over 12 million immigrants passed through from 1892-1954.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

    Klondike Gold Rush
    About 30 years later, in 1896, Seward was vindicated when gold was discovered, starting the Klondike Gold Rush.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    By a seven-to-one majority, advanced the controversial “separate but equal” doctrine for assessing the constitutionality of racial segregation laws.
  • The sinking of Uss Maine

    The sinking of Uss Maine
    A massive explosion of unknown origin sinks the battleship USS Maine in Cuban’s Havana Harbor, killing 260 of the fewer than 400 American crew members aboard.
  • U.S declares war on Spain

    U.S declares war on Spain
    The United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
  • The Foraker Act

    The Foraker Act
    United States President McKinley signed a civil law that established a civilian government in Puerto Rico known as the Foraker Act.
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    In 1902, 140,000 coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike for increased wages and the right to unionize. Roosevelt called in both sides and settled the dispute. After when a strike threatened public welfare, the federal government was expected to step in and help.
  • 1912 Election

    1912 Election
    Taft and discontented Republicans formed a third party which was called the Progressive Party. Then they dominated Roosevelt. The Democrats put forward a reform-minded New Jersey governor which was Woodrow Wilson.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    A German U-boat torpedoed the British-owned steamship Lusitania killing 1,195 people including 123 Americans.
  • NWP

    The NWP began to picket the White House. They did everything they could but still couldn’t convince them. So they would stand outside the White House so that more people could see them and try to convince them.
  • Zimmerman telegram

    Zimmerman telegram
    This was a proposal from to Germany to Mexico that if Mexico side with Germany in case of a war between them and the United States in return Germany promises to give Mexico its lost states like for example Taxes.
  • Federal Suffrage Amendment

    Federal Suffrage Amendment
    In 1918, in the midst of the war, the House of Representatives passed the federal suffrage amendment, but the Senate voted it down.
  • The 18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment
    The Eighteenth Amendment banned the making or selling of alcohol, which became known as prohibition.
  • Passage of the 19th Amendment

    Passage of the 19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment was all about the right of citizens of the United States to vote should not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    In March 1925, Tennessee passed the nation’s first law that made it a crime to teach evolution. During this trial, attorney Clarence Darrow defended Scopes, and William Jennings Bryan represented the state.
  • Klansmen March

    Klansmen March
    The goals of the new Klan were to preserve the U.S for white native-born Protestants. 40,000 Ku Klux Klansmen March on Washington.
  • Stock Market

    Stock Market
    There was an average of 70 banks failing each year nationally. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 25%. It lost $30 billion in market value.
  • Franklin Roosevelt gets elected

    Franklin Roosevelt gets elected
    The election took place against the backdrop of the Great Depression. Republican President Herbert Hoover was defeated in a landslide by democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, the governor of New York.
  • The New deal

    The New deal
    This was a serious of programs launched by FDR to end the Depression. It was his plan to put U.S out of the Depression.
  • Court-Packing Plan

    Court-Packing Plan
    President Franklin Roosevelt announces a controversial plan to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, allegedly to make it more efficient.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Pearl Harbor was when the Japanese attacked the US navy at Pearl Harbour which brough the USA into the war against Japan and Germany.
  • The North African Front

    The North African Front
    The American tanks rolled in the deserts of Africa and defeated German and the Axis forces. It was an invasion of Axis controlled North Africa and was launched by American General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • The Italian Campaign

    The Italian Campaign
    The Italian Campaign started off with a good start. Hitler’s forces continued to resist the Allies in Italy. But at the end the heated battles ensued and it wasn’t until 1945 that Italy was secured by the Allies.
  • D-Day

    This event was the largest land-sea-air operation in military history. Within only one month, the Allies had landed 1 million troops. German retaliation was really brutal.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Americans captured their first German town which was called Aachen. After that the Allies were closing in. Hitler did respond with one last ditch massive offensive. He hoped that breaking through the Allied line would break up Allied supply lines.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    On this event the Allies celebrated V-E Day which stands for “victory in Europe Day. General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. The war in Europe was over.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was threaten by communists influence in Turkey and Greece. It’s Financial aid was to support free peoples who were resisting attempted subjugation. Belief that there were countries that were recovering and had stable economies would be able to better resist communist influence.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    This was a U.S program providing aid to Western Europe following the devastation of a World War ll. This plan was also known as the European Recovery Program.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War started when Korea split into North and South Korea. The 38th parallel separated it. North Korea decided to cross it and attack the South. That’s when the U.S joined the South to help.
  • Hawaii becomes U.S territory

    Hawaii becomes U.S territory
    On the year 1959, Hawaii officially becomes a U.S territory. Still today, some native Hawaiians remain bitter about the annexation and want Hawaii to be made an independent country.
  • The U-2 Affair

    The U-2 Affair
    This event happened when a American high-altitude U-2 spy plane was shot down on a mission over the Soviet Union. Eisenhower was forced to admit the truth behind the mission and the U-2 program. He refused to publicly apologize to Khrushchev.
  • The National Liberation Front

    The National Liberation Front
    This event brought together communist and non-communist in an umbrella organization that had limited but important goals. Anyone could join this as long as they opposed Ngo Dinh Diem and wanted to unify Vietnam.
  • White Paper

    White Paper
    In this event, President Kennedy sent a team to Vietnam to report on conditions in the South and to assess future American aid requirements. This report was known as “White Paper”. It was written in 1961.
  • Poll Tax

    Poll Tax
    Citizens in some states had to pay a fee to vote in a national election. This fee was called Poll tax. The United States ratified the 24th Amendment to the constitution, prohibiting any poll tax in elections for federal officials.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    In this event North Vietnam and the NLF launched coordinated attacks against major southern cities. They were designed to force the Johnson Administration to the bargaining table.
  • Democratic Convention 1968

    Democratic Convention 1968
    During the Democratic Convention one of the most famous incidents in the anti-war movement was the police riot in Chicago. Hundreds of thousands of people came to protest American intervention in Vietnam and the leaders of the Democratic Party who continued to prosecute the war.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was build to prevent East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin. And in 1989 it falls after massive public demonstrations in East Germany and Eastern Europe.